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Top > The GoodHumans FAQ > Ordering > Why was my card charge twice for a single order?

Why was my card charge twice for a single order?

If, during the process of placing your order, you entered the incorrect billing address and were told (by our software) to try again, it might appear that there are multiple charges on your card for the order. This is due to the nature of the way that banks process credit card transactions.

Each time you try to place an order with us, a hold for the amount of your order is placed on your credit card. This occurs whether the billing address you entered is correct or incorrect. If the billing address is incorrect, our software will immediately void the charge and ask you to try the order again.

Unfortunately, while the process of charging the amount to your credit card occurs immediately, it can take up to a week to process the void transaction which removes the hold from your account. Please be assured that your card was actually charged only once. Only one of the charges should show up on your paper credit card statement.

If the charge does appear on your paper credit card statement or if it persists for over a week, please let us know and we will investigate the matter further. Additionally, if you are close to the limit on your credit card and you need to have the extra hold removed quicker than the week that it would normally take, please send us an email with your bank's phone number. Once we have the bank's phone number we can call them and find out the procedure for removing this extra hold immediately. This usually involves faxing them written confirmation that the void was actually issued and the date that it was issued.

GoodHumans realizes that this issue does present a considerable inconvience to our customers and we sincerely apologize for this. Unfortunately, we not been able to find a good solution to this problem.

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