By using a low flow shower head, a toilet water displacement
device, by taking showers instead of baths and letting the "yellow mellow", one can conserve an enormous amount of
Sometimes jiggling the handle isn't enough. That leaky faucet or "running" toilet wastes thousands of gallons of water a month and will finally give you a little peace and quiet.
They say that 1% of all American landfill space is occupied
by disposable diapers which take up to 500 years to decompose. Cotton can be reused 100 times and decomposes in
1-6 months. Reduce landfill glut and save natural resources, use cloth diapers.
If you cloth diaper, chances are you use cloth wipes...why not use cloth wipes instead of TP for the rest of the family? Of course, I always leave a package around for guests but even then it is recycled.
Use concentrated products, such as juice, laundry detergent, and other cleaners, when available. Concentrated products reduce packaging waste and save money.
If saving old growth forests is your interest, using recycled
toilet paper is an important purchase decision. Post consumer
products are the best way to reduce deforestation.