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Top > Guidelines > Health > Death > Use a human powered lawn. > User profile brent
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  Use fluorescent bulbs as your primary light source.  superceeded
Fluorescent bulbs use much less energy than incandescent bulbs do and they last much longer.

  Insulate your water heater.  superceeded
Wrapping your water heater in insulation reduces carbon dioxide by 1000 pounds a year.

  Add weather strip and caulk around windows and doors. 
Plugging air leaks around doors and windows keeps heat in, saving energy and reducing ozone depleting carbon dioxide.

  Pick a climate friendly house color. 
Depending on the dominant climate of the region you live in, the color of your home can have a large affect on the cost it takes to heat or cool it; light colored for hot climates to reflect the sun's rays and dark to attract heat.

  Clean and replace air conditioner filters.  superceeded
By simply cleaning that dirty filter in your air conditioner, you can save 5% of the energy used and reduce carbon dioxide.

  Use fluorescent bulbs as your primary light source. 
Fluorescent bulbs use much less energy than incandescent bulbs do and they last much longer.

  Recycle automobile air conditioner coolant. 
Cars with air conditioners should have the coolant recycled whenever the car is serviced. This extra step can reduce thousands of pounds of ozone depleting carbon dioxide.

  Insulate your home. 
Insulating the walls and ceilings in your home can save about a quarter of your heating energy bills and reduces thousands of pounds of carbon dioxide yearly.

  Be informed about environmental issues. 
Staying informed about environmental issues helps one vote knowledgably and purchase wisely, affecting change.

  Contact elected officials to express concerns. 
Calling or writing elected officials to let them know how you stand on issues can have a great impact on legistlation and their votes on issues.

  Use solar power. 
Solar power is the most plentiful renewable power source available and could allow us total independence from earth based fuel. Fossil fuels are limited and they pollute the environment when produced and burned.

  Use an electric car. 
Electric vehicles use power from the grid and they don't produce harmful exhast emissions. Using an electric car is very earth-friendly.

  Drink bottled water. 
Tap water can be harmful to our health, it contains treated sewage and the dangerous chemicals used to treat it, and well water is increasingly at risk of becoming polluted. Bottled water is from fresh springs, mountain run-off or is filtered.

  Eat dophin-free tuna.  superceeded
Over 25,000 dolphins are killed yearly in tuna nets. Dolphin-free tuna is slightly more expensive but is spares thousands of beautiful and highly intelligent animals.

  Buy tree-free paper.  superceeded
Purchasing paper manufactured with tobacco, banana leaf, denim, recycled wood pulp, or hemp, saves trees and is very cool.

  Buy genetic engineering-free food. 
Foods altered on a genetic level to play up favorable characteristics, may be large and colorful but the effects of genetic manipulation are unknown, to the extent that Europe and New Zealand have bans on the sale of produce affected this way.

  Get AIDs tested.  superceeded
Not everyone uses protection all of the time, and most likely you haven't either. There is a several year delay between the time one becomes infected and when it can be detected.

  Be a whistle-blower.  superceeded
Calling attention to unsafe, illegal or unfair situations at work is a brave and good thing to do. The fear of losing your job is no reason to let flagrant misuse of power continue.

  Resisist fluoridated water. 
Not drinking fluoridated water protects your health. Fluoride is a poisonous by-product of the aluminum industry, which lobbies heavily for the fluoridation of your water, making money off their hazardous waste. People become ill from fluoride poisoning.

  Eat fewer shrimp. 
The shrimp industry is a huge one which unintentionaly kills sea turtles, which drown in shrimp nets. Save a sea turtle's life, eat fewer shrimp.

  Sweep or rake leaves and debris instead of using a leaf blower. 
Leaf blowers cause excessive noise pollution, as well as air pollution from the two stroke engine, what is worse is the air pollution that is caused by the blowing of dried spit, urination, dog doo, insects and decomposing matter all over the place.

  Wear biodegradable clothing.  superceeded
Synthetic clothing such as polyester and nylon, doesn't decompose and will be around crowding out some landfill long after we are gone. Natural fibers such as cotton and hemp biodegrade and they do so without any harmful chemical by-products.

  Keep toxins away from infants. 
Your child is very curious and wants to get into things...everything. Storing harmful chemical cleaners and other toxins away from children may save their lives.

  Give charitably.  superceeded
Giving contributions to charitable organizations, friends in need, or a needy person on the street, helps our fellow person, our society, and benefits humanity.

  Plant a tree 
Trees are beautiful and they clean our air.

  Visit nature.  superceeded
Experiencing the beauty of nature adds depth and meaning to our lives.

  Eat less poultry  superceeded
Try to eat as little poultry as possible.

  Recycle toner cartridges. 
Saving toner cartridges for refilling saves having to send the unrecyclable plastic to a landfill. They are filled with enough remaining toner residue to stain anything you've got.

  Use drought-tolerant or native plants in landscaping. 
Drought-tolerant and native plants need little or just the right amount of water for your region. During dry years, they can exist on less or no water, saving water and the lives of your plants.

  Use a push-mower.  superceeded
Using a push-mower produces no harmful exhaust, uses no gas, creates no noise pollution and gives us a great work-out.

  Massage others. 
Our lives are stressful and the human body becomes fatigued, giving someone a massage is a generous and caring gift.

  Respect Those With Whom You Disagree  rejected
Everybody has a valid point of view. Respect those who disagree with you and try to understand their point of view.

  Use rechargable batteries.  superceeded
Batteries contain chemicals that are harmful to the environment when disposed of. They run down and must be replaced regularly. Using rechargable batteries saves money and doesn't pollute the earth.

  Stock investing  rejected
Do you share all your hot stock tips with your friends or do you keep the for yourself to get a leg up on them?

  Use reusable shopping bags. 
If each of us used one less shopping bag a week, we could save hundreds of millions of bags every year. Paper bags are made of virgin paper and plastic bags are not degradable. Using a reusable bag is earth-friendly.

  Use cloth diapers. 
They say that 1% of all American landfill space is occupied by disposable diapers which take up to 500 years to decompose. Cotton can be reused 100 times and decomposes in 1-6 months. Reduce landfill glut and save natural resources, use cloth diapers.

  Buy tree-free paper. 
Purchasing paper manufactured with tobacco, banana leaf, denim, recycled wood pulp, or hemp, saves trees and is very cool.

  Use hemp clothing. 
Hemp cloth has better strength and softness than cotton, without the huge range of environmental problems associated with it.

  Wear clean clothing.  superceeded
Clean clothing shows a certain level of self-respect and respect for those around us. It is healthful and doesn't pollute social breathing areas and add to visual blight.

  Vote.  superceeded
Voting allows one to be represented on issues and in choosing candidates, and it encourages one to be informed of local, state, and national political issues.

  Read the daily news.  superceeded
When we read the daily news, we stay informed, expand our vocabulary, and stay in direct contact with our society and culture.

  Pick up litter.  superceeded
Help keep your environment clean by picking up litter.

  Plant trees at home. 
Planting trees at home, enriches the natural environment and beautifies our world.

  Visit nature. 
Experiencing the beauty of nature adds depth and meaning to our lives.

  Drive a more fuel efficient car. 
A fuel efficient car is not only easier on the pocket book, it is easier on the ozone and our limited fossil fuels too. *

  Car pool. 
Put two people going to the same place, in the same car, and the environment benefits.

  Help push a stalled car. 
A person is having car trouble and is pushing their car to a safer area, or they need a "push-start", pull over and lend a hand.

  Tailgate less in traffic. 
Tailgating may be an attempt to send a message to another driver to move over or speed up, but it endangers others and is a sign of impatience.

  Be courteous on the road 
Being considerate of other people on the road makes everyone happier, and safer.

  Give charitably.  superceeded
Giving contributions to charitable organizations, friends in need, or a needy person on the street, helps our fellow person, our society, and benefits humanity.
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