Foods altered on a genetic level to play up favorable characteristics, may be large and colorful but the effects of genetic manipulation are unknown, to the extent that Europe and New Zealand have bans on the sale of produce affected this way.
As we all know, pesticides are harmful to the health of our
planet and the beings who reside here. Buying organic tea is
one way to help keep our soil, water and bodies free from
carcinogenic and other toxic substances.
Tap water can be harmful to our health, it contains treated sewage and the dangerous chemicals used to treat it, and well water is increasingly at risk of becoming polluted. Bottled water is from fresh springs, mountain run-off or is filtered.
Everything the human body does is a chemical process. All chemical processes in the body require water. When the body is
not properly hydrated it operates at reduced levels. A body thrives with ample water.
Drinking only organic milk from cows that are not mistreated is mortally acceptable, and healthy for most people.
Dairy products are the best food sources of calcium. Not everyone wants to be a vegan.
Not everyone wants to be a vegan.
Over 25,000 dolphins are killed yearly in tuna nets. Dolphin-free tuna is slightly more expensive but spares thousands of beautiful and highly intelligent animals.
Being vegan is compassionate, ecological, and healthful.
What's better than being nice, healthy and saving the planet?
(Detailed statistics are available from a number of vegetarian/animal rights sources, such as PETA)
When we grow our own food, we eat more healthful, get more
exercise and begin to look and feel more vibrant and
attractive as we get in touch with the earth.
Cooking healthy, delicious meals for yourself and your family saves money, wastes less packaging, and insures the food contains only what you want it to. It's also extremely rewarding!
If you like to have a glass of wine, make sure it is less
harmful to you and the environment! Organically grown grapes
are better because they do not have harmful, toxic pesticides
on them or in the soil where they are grown.
Not drinking fluoridated water protects your health. Fluoride is a poisonous by-product of the aluminum industry, which lobbies heavily for the fluoridation of your water, making money off their hazardous waste. People become ill from fluoride poisoning.
Hydrogenated oil destroys Vitamin E in the body, slows blood circulation and encourages additional dental plaque. By resisting this cheap immitation for oil in food processing, you will improve your heart and vascular functions and you won't be as fat.
Irradiation is a food freshness preservation method that adds a supposedly harmless amount of radiation to food to prolong its life. With sources of cancer at every turn, it doesn't seem prudent to willingly ingest micro amounts of radiation.
Buying directly from associated farmers at farmer's markets,
supports small, organic, and family farms, and affords one
the opportunity to select from the finest quality foods
Supplementing your diet with vitamins A, E and C and educating yourself about other supplements ensures that you are getting the proper nutrients to live an active lifestyle. You'll be a more vibrant and healthful person.