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Top > Guidelines > Entertainment > Dining out > Urge the stores and restaurant you patronize to recycle. > All guidelines
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  Keep your dog's water bowl filled. 
Your dog needs plenty of water to be healthy and he can't always tell you when he is thirsty.

  Keep your freezer more than 2/3 filled. 
Freezers operate most efficiently when they are at least 2/3 full. Keeping it full requires less energy to chill the empty space, which saves energy and lowers your power bill.

  Keep your house clean. 
Keeping your house clean has many benefits, your stuff remains orginized and easy to find, it reduces germs and bacteria, it is more socially prefered and it will give you peace of mind to live in a clean environment.

  Keep your thermostat adjusted for energy efficiency. 
Not overheating or overcooling rooms by monitoring your heater/air conditioner thermostat by turning it off when not needed, saves an enormous amount of energy.

  Keep your tires properly inflated. 
Tires that are under their recommended psi, cause added friction resulting in lower fuel iffeciency. Keeping your tires at recommended levels increases gas milage and improves handling.

  Keep your water heater set lower than 120 degrees. 
Turning down the setting on your water heater thermostat saves energy; 120 degrees is usually hot enough.

  Know about Current Events 
I think this one is pretty self-explanatory

  Learn about God today 
God is present all around us, within us, everywhere, every day. Listen to Him, talk to Him, read his Word to us. He knows what makes us tick, and how to be in tune with others, ourselves and Him.

  Learn another language. 

  Learn to cook 
Cooking healthy, delicious meals for yourself and your family saves money, wastes less packaging, and insures the food contains only what you want it to. It's also extremely rewarding!

  Learn to play an instrument. 
There is little in terms of personal enrichment that is more enriching than gaining the ability to play music. It has been shown to improve memory capacity in children and it literaly brings music to our lives.

  Learn to sew 
Altering and mending will prolong your clothing's life. Making your own garments ensures that they weren't created in sweatshops!

  Leave what you find when you're in a natural area. 
In some heavily traveled scenic areas folks have carried off whatever they can for momentos and landscaping enhancements leaving little for future visitors to enjoy.

  legalize dumpster diving 
This should be legal

  Let people merge into your lane 
If you're driving a car and someone is trying to merge into your lane, let them in.

  Let the cocktail waitress through the crowd at music shows 
Make way for the waitress, she is only doing her job. Music shows can be very crowded with a lot of drunk people, making it difficult to navigate the crowd. When you see a waitress with a drink tray, move out of the way and let her pass so she can ser

  Limit sugar consumption 
Sugar contributes to a host of health problems. Limiting or cutting out sugar consumption can improve your health.

  Line dry your clothes. 
Why not give the dryer a rest? Let the sun dry your clothes naturally. Line drying clothing not only saves energy but also gives clothes that sun-fresh smell.

  Listen more intently when others speak. 
Listening more intently to others allows them to more fully communicate, while you gain a better understanding of them and what they are saying.

  Listen to yourself! 
If you find yourself trying to make a difficult decision, sit down, alone, and think. Listen to what your sould is trying to tell you and do it!

  Live closer to town. 
Living in or close to town saves gas money and is much less polluting than living in remote regions. Life is a bit easier over-all when one lives near stores and gas stations, its much better for the environment, your fuel budget, and your social life.

  Live in an eco-friendly home. 
Renovate a home close to town, live in a recycled steel home, a straw bale or a cobb home. Eco-friendly homes give back to the community, conserving energy and natural resources while saving building costs.

  Live in an intentional community or eco-village. 
Living in individual houses with seperate kitchens and household systems is very inefficient compared to the sharing of costs, resources and chores in an intentional community. and it is socially advantageous to be living amongst like-minded people.

  Lobby for curbside recycling. 

  Look at art. 
Art reflects life. Looking at art helps us see the beauty around us, in others and in ourselves.

  Look for wines made from organically grown grapes. 
If you like to have a glass of wine, make sure it is less harmful to you and the environment! Organically grown grapes are better because they do not have harmful, toxic pesticides on them or in the soil where they are grown.

  Love people 
Showing sincere love makes everyone happy:-)

  Love your pet 
give your pet lots of adoration, pet it often, pay attention to it, strive to do the same in all your intimate relationships

  Maintain a good driving record. 
Being a safe and sober driver, getting few tickets and taking care of the few one does get, enables one to move about freely in an automobile and indicates a certain level of personal responsibility.

  Maintain someone's home while they are away. 
Leaving home for a number of days can necessitate help maintaining animals, plants, mail etc.; visiting the home of a traveling friend periodically, gives the appearance that someone is living there, thwarting would-be robbers.

  Make art. 
Whether you have specific skills or are artisticly inept, creating art is good for the soul. The mind awakens spiritual energy within and it comes out in the form of visual and tangible stuff that others can see. It is magic.

  Make baked goods for others. 
When baking for others, we focus our thoughts and energy on them and they are able to taste our affection.

  Make bread not pot roast 
Comments MAKE QUICK EASY MONEY FAST! EARN LOADS OF MONEY, HONESTLY, FAIRLY, AND LEGALLY Greetings All, I found this on a bulletin board and decided to try it: A little while back, I was browsing through news groups and e-mails just like you are n

  Make eco-friendly packaging choices. 
Eco-friendly packaging such as: reusable containers, recycled packaging, and items with the least amount of packaging, are easy on landfills, our dwindling natural recources and our wallets.

  Make gifts. 
When we make holiday or birthday gifts in the kitchen, or create items from discarded materials, we save natural resources and reduce potential waste, while giving from the heart.

  Make something new out of something old. 
Find creative ways to give new life to materials that might normally be thrown away, such as old bike parts, wood scraps, broken plates, clothing, etc.

  marijuana usage 
Marijuana is not a bad thing and if you don't let it get control of you it can make you a better person

  Massage others. 
Our lives are stressful and the human body becomes fatigued, giving someone a massage is a generous and caring gift.

When we meditate, our mind and body are able to be quiet, contemplative or just completely blank. Insight often comes to those who seek it and inner peace ferments.

  Minimize campfire impacts 
Campfires can be integral to the camping experience but they can ruin pristine nature areas. Taking care to minimize the effects of a campfire by digging it under and packing it with fresh dirt allows plants grow and it reduces harm wildlife.

  Obey bicycle traffic laws. 
Riding a bike can give one the feeling of complete freedom but during this euphoric bliss it is important to pay attention and follow all traffic laws. When traffic laws are obeyed, cars won't have to second guess you and you'll be much safer.

  Offer to help your host clear the table and clean dishes. 
Good manners and a willingness to chip in make any social occaision more fun and promotes healthy relationships.

  One love 
We all want the same love and be loved. So unite and always try to feel empathy for others.

  Open a vegetarian restaurant. 
By opening a vegetarian restaurant you will provide a healthy dining alternative to traditional restaurants.

  Open a vegetarian restaurant. 
By opening a vegetarian restaurant you will provide a healthy dining alternative to traditional restaurants.

  Open Relationships 
We are all connected. Why do we supress are feelings with everyone but one person at a time? if we worried less and expressed love more all are pains would be healed. I'm talking about all relationships not just sexual. meaning from all levels of communic

  Order your margherita on the rocks! 
Rather than ruin the ambiance with a noisy blender, try your drink on the rocks!


  Pass on your wisdom and experience. 
By sharing your knowledge and wisdom, you open a door for others. Others will be interested and pass their knowledge unto you.

  Pass used magazines on to friends or organizations. 
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