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Top > Guidelines > Education > Live in an eco-friendly home. > User profile brent
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  Be an unsung hero. 
Working honorably and without needing recognition, focusing on the deed, not the rewards, eliminates reward oriented and competitive motivations, lending a less anxious and more dignified quality to work and life.

  Use protection. 
Sex is fun, but it can also be reproductive and dangerous. Using "protection" puts the fun back in sex.

  Smoke fewer cigarettes.  superceeded
Cigarettes are etremely harmful to smokers and those around them, they are intentionaly addictive and pollute cradle-to- grave. Smoking fewer cigarettes is beneficial to other people and ourselves.

  Shop at farmer's markets. 
Buying directly from associated farmers at farmer's markets, supports small, organic, and family farms, and affords one the opportunity to select from the finest quality foods available.

  Grow your own food. 
When we grow our own food, we eat more healthful, get more exercise and begin to look and feel more vibrant and attractive as we get in touch with the earth.

  Keep your bedroom clean. 
When our bedroom is clean and organized, we can effectively organize the rest of our life; our clothes are cleaner and less rinkled, we can find our car keys and friends want to visit and maybe even sleep over.

  Tip street performers.  superceeded
Street performers of any type, talented or not, enrich our culture and should be rewarded for their gift to us.

  Support local live music. 
Attending local live music performances is good for the soul, the community and the players too.

  Read books instead of watching television.  superceeded
Reading exercises our imagination, is more entertaining and less sedating than television.

  Look at art. 
Art reflects life. Looking at art helps us see the beauty around us, in others and in ourselves.

  Buy locally produced goods and services. 
Purchasing local products stabilizes jobs and bolsters the economy.

  Try not to SPAM search engines, web sites or individuals. 
SPAM is electronic junk mail or any unsolicited and irrelevant email communication. This creates an unbelievable amount of unnecessary web traffic that slows real communication and wastes our time as we must continually work to rid ourselves of it.

  Learn to play an instrument.  superceeded
There is little in terms of personal enrichment that is more enriching than gaining the ability to play music. It has been shown to improve memory capacity in children and it literaly brings music to our lives.

  Help others move. 
Moving is a cathartic labor intensive process. Often, the aid of extra person-power and/or a larger vehicle is necessary.

  Visit a far-flung friend. 
It may be possible to keep a friend without it, but traveling to visit a friend in person gives life a sense of continuity.

  Be a mentor. 
Mentorship is a legacy of giving, it enriches individuals and society. Education is incomplete without the guidance and wisdom of one who is accomplished and successful.

  Compost kitchen scraps, leaves and yard clippings. 
Leaves, yard clippings and kitchen scraps can be composted, reducing landfill glut, and producing, rich organic gardening fertilizer.

  Be a friend. 
Want a friend? Be a friend.

  Buy eco-friendly cleaners. 
Household cleaners are solutions of powerful cleaning agents and abrasives which may be ideal for cleaning stains, they also damage the environment.

  Treat all persons equally. 
Unfair treatment on the basis of gender, race, age, religion etc. limits social, cultural and economic exchange, and is counterproductive in an open society and free-market.

  Be more honest. 
Our lives can be very complicated socially and professionally, not being truthful unnecessarily complicates it more and promotes unhappiness.

  Acknowledge good qualities. 
What is more honorable than being an unsung hero? Acknowledging the good deeds and qualities in others.

  Put friends up for the night. 
Sometimes friends need a place to stay. Allowing them to stay at your home is very kind and enables one to spend more time with them.

  Be good.  superceeded
Want a more happy and fulfilling life? Try to be good.

  Read books instead of watching television. 
Reading exercises our imagination, is more entertaining and less sedating than television.

  Listen more intently when others speak.  superceeded
Listening more intently to others allows them to more fully communicate, while you gain a better understanding of them and what they are saying.

  Adopt a pet from the shelter. 
Rescuing an unwanted or runaway animal from an adoption center saves the life of the animal and brings joy to yours.

  Tip service workers 20% or more.  superceeded
Service workers work tirelessly to please us, tipping well acknowledges this and benefits real people, not some faceless corporation.

  Be less judgemental of others. 
People come in all shapes, sizes and behaviors and none of us are perfect; we all have our disappointing moments. Accepting others for who they are allows us to feel more comfortable being who we are. Judge not lest ye be judged etc. etc.

  Use toilet paper containing 50% or more of post consumer waste. 
If saving old growth forests is your interest, using recycled toilet paper is an important purchase decision. Post consumer products are the best way to reduce deforestation.

  Use refillable lighters.  superceeded
Once that bic has had it's last flick it becomes a burden to the planet for the next 1000 plus years. The plastic must be thick to hold the flammable liquid. It lasts forever.

  Use a hemp dog collar for your dog.  superceeded
It's important to reduce all beef industry by-products such as leather products like dog collars. Nylon or other plastic alternatives are polluting when created and they don't biodegrade. Hemp is the only way to go. It is very tough and it biodegrades.

  Use a handkerchief instead of disposable tissues. 
Using a handkerchief instead of a tissue reduces deforestation and waste, while a handkerchief can be used over and over again.

  Use a hemp dog collar for your dog. 
It's important to reduce all beef industry by-products such as leather products like dog collars. Nylon or other plastic alternatives are polluting when created and they don't biodegrade. Hemp is the only way to go. It is very tough and it biodegrades.

  Buy beer in bulk. 
Purchasing beer in the largest container possible saves having to manufacture and recycle all of those pesky cans and bottles, and it saves money too.

  Use bike messenger services. 
Using a bicycle messenger service for in town deliveries saves gas, reduces pollution and it removes cars from the road.

  Use less cologne and perfume in public. 
Many people are sensitive to air born contamination. Most colognes and perfumes contain chemicals that can irritate the senses of these individuals. It is also socially obnoxious to wear strong perfumes in public places.

  Take collections for friends in need. 
From time to time one friend or another may become broke. Taking a collection - among friends - of food and/or small amounts of cash can really help a friend in need and it isn't too taxing on any one person.

  Use a human powered lawn.  superceeded
Using a push-mower produces no harmful exhaust, uses no gas, creates no noise pollution and gives us a great work-out.

  Use a human powered lawn mower. 
Using a push-mower produces no harmful exhaust, uses no gas, creates no noise pollution and gives us a great work-out.

  Request that hotels change your linens/towels every other day. 
It's not necessary for hotels to change the linen daily if one is going to remain in the room. You wouldn't wash your own linen on a daily basis. It wastes water and electrical energy and it taxes the local water filtration system. Make yourself at home!

  Resist using aluminum foil, plastic wrap and plastic bags.  superceeded
Disposable food wrapping and storage devices are unnecessary and very polluting as well as being taxing on natural resources. It is much more economical and environmentally kind to use washable plastic containers.

  Live in an intentional community or eco-village. 
Living in individual houses with seperate kitchens and household systems is very inefficient compared to the sharing of costs, resources and chores in an intentional community. and it is socially advantageous to be living amongst like-minded people.

  Check paper boxes (cereal etc.) to ensure they are recycled. 
Checking paper box packaging, such as cereal boxes, to ensure they are recycled (the unprinted side should be grey not white) saves paper, trees, and reuces waste.

  Supplement your diet with vitamins 
Supplementing your diet with vitamins A, E and C and educating yourself about other supplements ensures that you are getting the proper nutrients to live an active lifestyle. You'll be a more vibrant and healthful person.

  Avoid excessive x-rays. 
It has been proven that x-rays produce harmful radiation poisoning. Avoiding excessive x-rays can save you from having brain cancer. Not letting the dentist x-ray your mouth every six months can save your life.

  Choose cremation instead of excavation. 
Cremation uses relatively little energy as compared with the fuel used to power a backhoe to dig a proper burial hole. Modern cremation utilizes air filtration and produces little in terms of air pollution as compared with excavation equipment.
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