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Top > Guidelines > Household > Energy
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  Bundle up rather than blasting the heat. 
Sometimes it's enough just to put on a sweater or warm socks rather than turning up the heat. This can save money and energy!

  Buy green power 
Renewable and "green" energy utilizes wind and water turbine power and solar power. It does not pollute the atmosphere when being produced and it costs the same as unrenewable and polluting energy sources.

  Heat your home more efficiently. 
Save energy and help prevent global warming by maximizing the efficiency of heating and cooling systems in the home, use double paned windows, insulation, ceiling fans and don't use the heater when away.

  Keep your thermostat adjusted for energy efficiency. 
Not overheating or overcooling rooms by monitoring your heater/air conditioner thermostat by turning it off when not needed, saves an enormous amount of energy.

  reload printer paper 
Certain items you print out at home or at the office have a one time use, and then get discarded. I feel that we can use these sheets again for the reverse side by refeading them back into our printers. We practice this at work, and we save generally 50

  Solar heat your house & water 
Solar power is green

  Turn off lights when they are not needed. 
Save energy and help prevent global warming, turn off lights in unused areas.

  Use a solar water heater. 
Putting a solar water heater on your roof is a good way to lower your electric bills and help the environment at the same time.

  Use energy efficient large appliances. 
Save energy and prevent global warming by using a low energy, high efficiency fridge and washing machine, and by using large loads instead of small, and drying clothes on a line.

  Use only cold or warm water when washing clothing. 
Using cold or warm water when washing clothing instead of hot, saves energy and prolongs the life of clothing.

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