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  Resist irradiated food. 
Irradiation is a food freshness preservation method that adds a supposedly harmless amount of radiation to food to prolong its life. With sources of cancer at every turn, it doesn't seem prudent to willingly ingest micro amounts of radiation.

  Resist off shore oil drilling. 
Our automobile society requires oil to power our cars but ruining beaches, ocean eco-systems, and natural vistas is too much to give up. If we can't power our cars without ruining nature then we should give them up.

  Resist using aluminum foil, plastic wrap and plastic bags. 
Disposable food wrapping and storage devices are unnecessary and very polluting as well as being taxing on natural resources. It is much more economical and environmentally kind to use washable plastic containers. If you do use these products, wash and r

  Resist wearing fur. 
The fur industry's product production depends on the brutal killing of intellgent, magestic wild animals. It is uneccessary to kill animals for our coats.

  Respect Those With Whom You Disagree 
Everybody has a valid point of view. Respect those who disagree with you and try to understand their point of view.

  Resuse chopsticks. 

  Return phone and email messages. 
It is frustrating to leave a message on an answering service or to email someone without them getting back to you. It is important to return contact as soon as is convinient, so a person knows that the message was received.

  Return things you find. 
We all lose things from time to time, such as wallets, purses and keys, and we can empathize with others when it occurs to them. Often a lost item is invaluable to us, but worthless to others. A goodhuman seeks to return lost items.

  Return wire hangers to the dry cleaners. 

  Reuse cash register receipts, phone bills etc. for scratch paper 
Cash register receipts and other one-use paper usually has an unprinted backside that can be reused. This saves trees and reduces waste. By saving these paper scraps you'll always be ready to do something good for the planet.

  Reuse envelopes. 
Envelopes come to us free of charge almost everyday, if you take care in opening them they can be used again simply by putting a label over the preprinted address. This saves money and trees as well as reducing waste.

  Reuse floppy diskettes 
Reuse Floppy diskettes; they're easy to reformat and can be used over and over.

  Reuse jars and plastic containers. 
Many of the products that we buy in the supermarket are packaged in jars and plastic containers than can be reused in many different ways. This reduces waste and saves us from having to buy containers.

  Ride your bicycle 
When you need to go somewhere that isn't too far, ride your bicycle there

  Root for underdogs. 
It is easy to support winners but it requires character to root for the underprivileged, the unfavored and the losing. Victory is sweeter when underdogs win and sometimes the underdog is you.

  Route items around office instead of making copies for everybody 
A memo or other notice can be posted on a central bulletin board or routed around the office. There is no need to make a separate copy for each person. In the long run this tactic can significantly save paper.

  RSVP if it's requested. 
If a RSVP is requested on an invitation, let the host or hostess know whether you are going to attend; it's an easy thing to do and is a common courtesy you should extend to anyone inviting you to an event.

  Run races for cures. 
There are numerous races (and walks) that are organized to raise money for disease cures. Choose a worthy cause and race for the cure!

  Save money. 
Putting aside a portion of what we earn regularly over time makes our earnings count on an increaseingly larger scale, affording us more financial clout.

  Say "hello" to your neighbors. 
When you see your neighbor our in the yard give a little wave, smile, and say "hello".

  Send e-mail to your congressional representatives. 
Use the power of the Internet to let your voice be heard! Sending an e-mail takes no time and your opinion is extremely important regarding environmental, educational and social justice issues.

  Send thank you cards. 
Sending a thank you card is a small gesture that goes a long way. Expressing your thanks with a quick note will mean a lot to the person who did something nice for you.

  Share a shower with your friend or loved one! 
Two can shower as fast and efficiently as one. Not only will you save water but you can get help cleaning those hard to reach areas!

  Share your newspaper with others. 
Newspapers are disposable items that have a usable life of one day. Almost everybody is interested in one section or another so spread the news and share your paper. No need in buying 5 copies when 1 will do.

  Shop around. 
Doing a little research and comparison shopping allows one to get the best price on exactly the item needed. This reduces household clutter from poor choices and unnecessary items.

  Shop at farmer's markets. 
Buying directly from associated farmers at farmer's markets, supports small, organic, and family farms, and affords one the opportunity to select from the finest quality foods available.

  Sing or whistle out loud. 
Singing and whistling lightens the spirits and spreads one's infectious joy. When one makes a "joyful noise", one creates positivity and optimism.

  Sing your child lullabies. 

Smiling makes you feel good, uses fewer muscles than frowning, and is sure to brighten someones day.

  smile at a stranger 
smiling at someone you don't know yet spreads goooood vibes and smiles are contagious!!

  SMILE!! It creates the positive energy needed to survive. 
A smile takes less muscle use than a frown,and it is the only thing you can give to someone and help prevent global depression!!!

  smoke a lot of dope 
i really enjoy smokeing dope doing a lot of stuff with my friends doing some crazy shit so dope really helps me get away the pain i do with them so do it you stupid people it is really fun

  Smoke fewer cigarettes. 
Cigarettes are extremely harmful to smokers and those around them. They are intentionaly addictive and pollute cradle-to- grave. Smoking fewer cigarettes is beneficial to other people and ourselves.

  Solar heat your house & water 
Solar power is green

  Spay and neuter your pets. 
With so many pets in need of adoption, there is no reason to have your pets reproduce. Low cost spay and neuter clinics are available.

  Speak up to litterbugs. 
Don't let the people around you carelessly throw garbage on the ground without saying something to them about it. It just may take a little public humiliation for them not to do it the next time. Litterbugs need to hear from you that LITTERING IS RUBBISH!

  Stay away from the circus 
Most circuses treat animals very poorly. They keep them in cramped cages and even beat them. Avoiding the circus will help to free these animals

  Stay behind others in line. 
It is courteous to not move past other people standing in line.

  Stay in locally owned inns, hotels, or B&Bs. 

  Stay on the trail. 

  Stay Positive. 
a good attitude creates the type of life we all lead being open and willing to accept what comes to us makes us look for the best way to use our options rather than fighting against the changes in our lives

  Stock investing 
Do you share all your hot stock tips with your friends or do you keep the for yourself to get a leg up on them?

  Stop fights between others. 
Being a peace-maker, by stopping a violent struggle or encouraging resolution to an arguement between friends, may possibly be intrusive and even dangerous, but it positively affects social change immediately and it is very heroic.

  Study hard. 
Wouldn't it be great if we remembered everything we learn? When we study "hard" we gain a better understanding of a topic and can retain the knowledge longer, this saves time not having to refresh or relearn something, we carry the knowledge with us.

  Study other's views on nature 
When you study other's cultural ideas and views on nature, you grow a higher appreciation and respect to nature.

  Subscribe to electronic journals and newspapers. 
Reading your morning paper and favorite magazines online is a great way to reduce paper use. Why not switch to e-subscriptions?

  Supplement your diet with vitamins 
Supplementing your diet with vitamins A, E and C and educating yourself about other supplements ensures that you are getting the proper nutrients to live an active lifestyle. You'll be a more vibrant and healthful person.

  Support All Marijuana Legalization 
Putting people in jail for non-violent possession or seizing property for the same reasons makes crimes out of people who are not criminals. You cannot legislate morality and, in America, should not.

  Support independent radio. 
Independent radio stations need our support, it is good to help financially or just to listen, because the programming is free from corporate control and the incredible bias inherant there. This makes for a more well rounded and interesting person.

  Support independent theatre 
Independent artists bring us new ideas and new ways of expressing ideas, but they rarely get enough money to make their endeavors financially possible. You will likely bring something back with you, and it will also make you more involved with your
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