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  Support local live music. 
Attending local live music performances is good for the soul, the community and the players too.

  Support local, state, and national education initiatives. 
Support education initiatives by voting yes on pro-education bonds and other legislation. Education is one of the most important services that governments provide; do all you can to demand the best education system possible.

  Support medical marijuana. 
Many people have medical problems that can only be relieved with the use of marijuana. It is cruel to prohibit them from access to this soothing and healing natural herb. The fear of drug proliferation is unsubstantiated.

  Support peaceful protests. 
Peaceful protesting is a form of free speech that may be employed when one feels attention needs to he focused on a certain unfairness or issue. Often the only way we know about certain issues, is because some brave indviduals staged a protest.

  Support your local health food store! 
Health food stores provide up with options for healthy eating and offer extremely nutritious foods.

  Support your local library. 
Your local library is a community resource offering everyone the opportunity to learn. Support your local library by checking books out, participating in its book drives, sales, and other activities, and voting to continue public spending on it.

  Suppourt a tobbaco ban. 
Suppourt a phased in tobbaco ban with the goverment provideing nicorrete, patches, etc. to help people quit.

  Sweep debris with a broom instead of a blower. 
Leaf-blowers use fossil fuels and create noise pollution. For the same amount of effort and time you can use a broom to clear debris from walk-ways and driveways.

  Sweep or rake leaves and debris instead of using a leaf blower. 
Leaf blowers cause excessive noise pollution, as well as air pollution from the two stroke engine, what is worse is the air pollution that is caused by the blowing of dried spit, urination, dog doo, insects and decomposing matter all over the place.

  Tailgate less in traffic. 
Tailgating may be an attempt to send a message to another driver to move over or speed up, but it endangers others and is a sign of impatience.

  Take collections for friends in need. 
From time to time one friend or another may become broke. Taking a collection - among friends - of food and/or small amounts of cash can really help a friend in need and it isn't too taxing on any one person.

  Take part in local politics. 
If you are not interested in local politics it is a good chance that you and others like you are not being properly represented. Your city council should be acting in your best interest and to do that they need to here your opinions.

  Take public transportation. 
As discussed in many other guidelines, using alternatives to the automobile for transportation can reduce the negative impact you have on the environment. When possible, take public transporation instead.

  Take showers instead of baths. 
Showering requires less water than it takes to fill a bath tub and saves time too.

Working from home saves fuel, reduces pollution and traffic as well as being easier on you and your family.

  Tell jokes. 
Telling jokes gives a burst of fun and laughter to social settings of any size. Humor takes the pain of life away, making it brighter and more enjoyable.

  the meaning of education 
Education should be a means to enlighten, broaden, and stretch our minds.Not a system to limit ourminds

  Think good thoughts 
By thinking good thoughts we promote positive energy within ourselves and toward the outside world.

  Think! Read! Learn! Know! 
Reading the paper or watching the news does not make one informed. Media sources are often biased or have ulterior motives when presenting you with the "facts". You must learn to think for yourself, by any means necessary. Your television, your priest,

  Tip service workers 20% or more. 
Service workers work tirelessly to please us, tipping well acknowledges this and benefits real people, not some faceless corporation.

  Tip street performers. 
Street performers of any type, talented or not, enrich our culture and should be rewarded for their gift to us.

  Tipping your server 
Food servers rely upon tips for a large part of their income. Help them out

  Towards Organic Way of life 
Organic way of living is still best way to be active in this world after all the damages that has been done by human being.Turn into organic and see the beauty of life comes to life.

  Train your dog  poll closed
A well trained dog is a happy dog, and a happy dog is good for humans.

  Travel to different places 
Whether you circumnavigate the globe or visit a neighboring town, traveling shows us what the world is like in other places; we gain insight into the lives of others and learn about ourselves in the process.

  Treat all persons equally. 
Unfair treatment on the basis of gender, race, age, religion etc. limits social, cultural and economic exchange, and is counterproductive in an open society and free-market.

  Try not to SPAM search engines, web sites or individuals. 
SPAM is electronic junk mail or any unsolicited and irrelevant email communication. This creates an unbelievable amount of unnecessary web traffic that slows real communication and wastes our time as we must continually work to rid ourselves of it.

  Try to keep your babies quiet when on an airplane. 
An airplane is an uncomfortable place for adults. It is especially uncomfortable for infants. If you bring your baby on the airplane, pay extra attention to their comfort and try hard to keep them quiet for the sake of the other passengers' comfort

  Turn aluminum cans into cash. 
Cans are redeemable in every state and in some areas they fetch 15 cents. This money is paid when the product is purchased to insure that the aluminum isn't wasted littering the environment. This keeps the world clean and puts money in your pocket.

  Turn off lights when they are not needed. 
Save energy and help prevent global warming, turn off lights in unused areas.

  Turn off the shower while you're soaping up 
There's no reason to leave the shower running while you're lathering up your body and shampooing your hair, so just turn off the water. You'll be surprised at how much quicker your showers are!

  Turn printer off when not in use. 

  Turn your computer off when not in use if it is not a server that is requires 24/7 access. 
Consider turning your computer off if it will be inactive for more than 16 minutes. After this time the energy needed to run the computer is greater than the start-up energy.

  Understand the importance of regular pet grooming. 
Professional grooming keeps your pet clean and happy. Regular brushing and combing helps maintain a groomed pet and is a great way to spend quality time with pets.

  Upgrade your existing computer instead of buying a new one. 

  Urge the stores and restaurant you patronize to recycle. 
We as individuals have enormous power to create change in our lives and community, it just takes trying. Insisting that the places you shop at recycle to keep your repeat business, shows the real power of the consumer.

  Use a dishwasher and save water. 
Using a full dishwasher saves an average of 5.8 fewer gallons of water per load than washing by hand.

  Use a handkerchief instead of disposable tissues. 
Using a handkerchief instead of a tissue reduces deforestation and waste, while a handkerchief can be used over and over again.

  Use a hemp dog collar for your dog. 
It's important to reduce all beef industry by-products such as leather products like dog collars. Nylon or other plastic alternatives are polluting when created and they don't biodegrade. Hemp is the only way to go. It is very tough and it biodegrades.

  Use a human powered lawn mower. 
Using a push-mower produces no harmful exhaust, uses no gas, creates no noise pollution and gives us a great work-out.

  Use a solar water heater. 
Putting a solar water heater on your roof is a good way to lower your electric bills and help the environment at the same time.

  Use an electric car. 
Electric vehicles use power from the grid and they don't produce harmful exhast emissions. Using an electric car is very earth-friendly.

  Use as little water as possible when cooking. 
The more water you use in your food when cooking, the longer it takes to heat. Reducing cooking time lowers energy usage which translates to big savings on your energy bill.

  Use bike messenger services. 
Using a bicycle messenger service for in town deliveries saves gas, reduces pollution and it removes cars from the road.

  Use bleach-free paper 
Our obsession with "blemish-free" and "white" have resulted in substantial pollution at the paper production end.

  Use both sides of paper. 

  Use cloth diapers. 
They say that 1% of all American landfill space is occupied by disposable diapers which take up to 500 years to decompose. Cotton can be reused 100 times and decomposes in 1-6 months. Reduce landfill glut and save natural resources, use cloth diapers.

  Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins. 
Cloth napkins can be used again and again, do not require trees to be harvested, and are actually nicer to use than paper napkins.

  Use cloth wipes instead of toilet paper or baby wipes 
If you cloth diaper, chances are you use cloth wipes...why not use cloth wipes instead of TP for the rest of the family? Of course, I always leave a package around for guests but even then it is recycled.

  Use concentrated products. 
Use concentrated products, such as juice, laundry detergent, and other cleaners, when available. Concentrated products reduce packaging waste and save money.
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