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  Pay attention 
You can learn a great deal from others mistakes

  Pay back personal loans. 
People who lend us money are good people who should be valued highly, and above all, paid back. We can move forward with dignity allowing us to make closer, more authentic connections with people.

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  Pick a climate friendly house color. 
Depending on the dominant climate of the region you live in, the color of your home can have a large affect on the cost it takes to heat or cool it; light colored for hot climates to reflect the sun's rays and dark to attract heat.

  Pick up hitchhikers. 
For whatever reason, people don't have transportation to a destination and they stand on the roadside "thumbing it". Picking up hitch hikers helps a person in need, and puts us in direct touch with another interesting person.

  Pick up litter. 
Help keep your environment clean by picking up litter.

  Plan your family well. 
Putting some thought into various family options before one is forced to, serves us and future generations as well.

  Plant a tree 
Trees are beautiful and they clean our air.

  Plant trees at home. 
Planting trees at home, enriches the natural environment and beautifies our world.

  Post a chalk or wipe board for phone messages and notes. 
Instead of paper, post a chalkboard or wipe board for phone messages and other household notes.

  Preserve memories by taking photos/video of family and friends. 
As we grow up and older, memories begin to fade and people move away or lose touch. By taking photos or video, we can keep these memories and preserve moments that may become lost forever.


  Print single-spaced for drafts. 
If printing a school paper or other long document, print the drafts single-spaced; print only the final copy double-spaced thereby reducing the amount of paper used.

  Proofread and spell check before printing. 

  Provide re-usable mugs and glasses for visitors. 

  Pull weeds instead of using herbicides. 
It may not be your idea of fun, but pulling weeds by hand eliminates the need for herbicides, and does allow you to be outside and enjoy your garden up-close.

  Purchase dry goods in bulk. 
Purchase dry foods in bulk (health food stores have bulk bins great for beans, pasta, grains, etc.) You are afforded more choices this way while reducing packaging waste and you'll save money too.

  Purchase office-provided items, such as sugar, in bulk. 
Purchase creamer, sugar, aspirin, etc. in bulk instead of in individually wrapped portions. This both minimizes waste and cuts costs.

  Put friends up for the night. 
Sometimes friends need a place to stay. Allowing them to stay at your home is very kind and enables one to spend more time with them.

  Put leftover food in the composter 
A great way to help alleviate the landfill problem is to compost your left over food.

  Read books instead of watching television. 
Reading exercises our imagination, is more entertaining and less sedating than television.

  Read or listen to international news. 
Listen to or read news that is produced in countries other than your own. An international perspective gives you a much clearer picture of world events and allows you to make more informed judgments.

  Read the daily news. 
When we read the daily news, we stay informed, expand our vocabulary, and stay in direct contact with our society and culture.

  Read to children. 
Reading to children on a regular basis gives them a love of books and stories, it develops their hearing comprehension and their imagination and helps make them more intelligent people.

  Recycle automobile air conditioner coolant. 
Cars with air conditioners should have the coolant recycled whenever the car is serviced. This extra step can reduce thousands of pounds of ozone depleting carbon dioxide.

  Recycle household water. 
A high percentage of the water we use runs "down the drain." Much of that water can be reclaimed. Save rinse water for plants, collect preheated shower water as well as run off from roof tops in buckets for household use.

  Recycle Inkjet cartridges 
Recycling inkjet cartridges is an excellent way to save the environment and it can earn you or a charity money

  Recycle motor oil. 
Used motor oil is a harmful pollutant that damages plant and animal life, as well as ground water. As it breaks down or is diluted, one gallon of motor oil can contaminate 1000 gl. of fresh water. Recycling motor oil protects the environment.

  Recycle the cardboard tubes from toilet paper rolls. 
Toilet paper rolls can really add up when you think about the billions of people who use toilet paper each day! By recycling the used cardboard tubes you save trees and landfill space!

  Recycle toner cartridges. 
Saving toner cartridges for refilling saves having to send the unrecyclable plastic to a landfill. They are filled with enough remaining toner residue to stain anything you've got.

  Recycle used deodorant containers. 
Most deodorant containers are made from recycleable plastic. Let's keep this out of our landfills and away from degrading into our water supply!

With natural resources dwindling and landfills growing, it is necessary and quite easy to recycle.

  Reduce animal by-products in your home. 
Animal by-products surround us. That classy leather sofa, the comfy down comforter and that prized stuffed elk's head you are so proud of all were killed unnecessarily. Animals no longer must die for human comfort, we can grow and manufacture our stuff.

  Reduce MTBE usage. 
Roughly half of all watercraft, and 100% of personal watercraft (PWC), are powered by two-stroke marine engines that emit 25-30% of their fuel, unburned, directly into the water. Risisting MTBE usage reduces water pollution in lakes, rivers and oceans.

  Reduce waste. 
Reducing household waste by making eco-friendly purchases, sorting out recyclables and simply being more aware of the trash we produce drasticly reduces landfill glut and it also limits the amount of natural resources we expend.

  Refill the ice-cube tray. 
It is frustrating to go the freezer needing ice, only to find that the ice-cube tray has been emptied and not refilled. Refilling the tray is an investment in the future coldness of soft drinks, coctails and water for you and others.

Good quality values are key to solid relationships

  reload printer paper 
Certain items you print out at home or at the office have a one time use, and then get discarded. I feel that we can use these sheets again for the reverse side by refeading them back into our printers. We practice this at work, and we save generally 50

  Remember birthdays. 
We all have them and when they pass unnoticed by others we may feel hurt. Remembering the birthdays of others is one way to show we care and that they are important to us.

  Renewable resources used for new mosquito repellent. 
The sustainably farmed ingredients of lemon eucalyptus and meadowfoam seed oil are the key ingredients in a soothing lotion that that keeps mosquitoes from biting.

  Renewable resources used for new mosquito repellent. 
The renewable resources of lemon eucalyptus and meadowfoam combine to make a mosquito repellent that is as effective as DEET without using a toxic chemical on your family's skin. West Nile Virus is here to stay and we need to be vigilant with insect repel

  Renewable resources used for new mosquito repellent. 
The renewable resources of lemon eucalyptus and meadowfoam combine to make a soothing lotion that is also an extremely effective mosquito repellent.

  Rent or borrow things you don't use often. 
Renting or borrowing things that you don't have a regular need for saves money, storage space, and keeps the world less cluttered with unnecessary items. It is best if we can share the use of these items so we don't have to build and trash as many.

  Rent out your spare room  poll closed
There isn't enough housing, and too much of it is unaffordable. If you have a spare bedroom in your house, renting it out to someone in need can help alleviate our housing shortage and provide you with a little spare cash.

  Repair rather than discard. 
Being handy around the house helps prolong the life of older items and reincarnates broken ones. It reduces land-fill over crowding, saves invaluable natural resources and is intensely frugal.

  Repair your old bicycle. 
Nearly everyone has one. They inhabit our garages, porches, or backyards and we've looked past them so many times we don't even see them anymore. Our old bike needs our attention and with 15 min. of work, it will give back immensely.

  Request that hotels change your linens/towels every other day. 
It's not necessary for hotels to change the linen daily if one is going to remain in the room. You wouldn't wash your own linen on a daily basis. It wastes water and electrical energy and it taxes the local water filtration system. Make yourself at home!

  Resisist fluoridated water. 
Not drinking fluoridated water protects your health. Fluoride is a poisonous by-product of the aluminum industry, which lobbies heavily for the fluoridation of your water, making money off their hazardous waste. People become ill from fluoride poisoning.

  Resist dumping hazardous chemicals down the drain. 
Water treatment systems are built to accommodate regular household waste. Pouring hazardous chemicals down household drains taxes municiple water filtration systems and in many communities it pollutes drinking water.

  Resist foods containing hydrogenated oils. 
Hydrogenated oil destroys Vitamin E in the body, slows blood circulation and encourages additional dental plaque. By resisting this cheap immitation for oil in food processing, you will improve your heart and vascular functions and you won't be as fat.
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