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Top > Guidelines > Health > Hygiene > Avoid the drink box. > User profile Valentino
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  Get an education. 
Getting an education enables us to seek more sophisticated and financially rewarding employment as well as being a personally and socially enriching experience.

  Teach someone english.  superceeded
Plenty of our neighbors and even some of our friends don't speak english, helping them learn our language helps to quicken their assimilation into the culture and it enriches our lives as well.

  Be a tutor. 
When someone is having difficulty learning something that we already know, offering to tutor them greatly increases their chances of success. It is a refresher and chances are that someone helped us learn a thing or two.

  Read to children.  superceeded
Reading to children on a regular basis gives them a love of books and stories, it develops their hearing comprehension and their imagination and helps make them more intelligent people.

  Support medical marijuana. 
Many people have medical problems that can only be relieved with the use of marijuana. It is cruel to prohibit them from access to this soothing and healing natural herb. The fear of drug proliferation is unsubstantiated.

  Reduce andimal by-products in your home.  superceeded
Animal by-products surround us, that classy leather sofa, the comfy down comforter and that prized stuffed elk's head you are so proud of all were killed unnecessarily. Animals no longer must die for human comfort, we can grow and manufacture our stuff.

  Return things you find. 
We all lose things from time to time, such as wallets, purses and keys, and we can empathize with others when it occurs to them. Often a lost item is invaluable to us, but worthless to others. A goodhuman seeks to return lost items.

  Give spare change to panhandlers. 
Some are truely down on their luck or are having difficulty getting back on track, others are drunks, addicts or petty scam artists but no one should have to go hungry. Giving spare change can help them get food or whatever else they deem necessary.

  Be a whistle-blower.  superceeded
Calling attention to unsafe, unscrupulous, illegal or unfair situations at work is a brave and good thing to do. The fear of losing your job is no reason to let flagrant misuse of power continue.

  Encourage others to recycle. 
Everyone has been educated in one way or another about the benefits of recycling, but many people still don't do it. It just might take a little bit of peer pressure from a friend to encourage them to think about sorting out their recyclables.

  Use a dishwasher and save water. 
Using a full dishwasher saves an average of 5.8 fewer gallons of water per load than washing by hand.

  Use sponges or rags instead of paper towels. 
An average sized family goes through 3 rolls of paper towels per week, that adds up to an enormous amount of waste. Using a rag or a sponge saves many trees worth of paper over the course of a lifetime.

  Use reusable razors instead of disposable shavers. 
Disposable shavers with those plastic handles may be cheap, but they dull out much faster than reusable razors do and are more polluting. Save money and reduce pollution by using reusable razors.

  Ask your utility company for a home energy audit. 
Your power company has an energy audit program that will tell you where your home is poorly insulated or energy-inefficient. This information will help you save energy and lower your energy bill.

  Avoid the drink box. 
The "aseptic drink box" is made of layers of paper, plastic and aluminum - it can not be recycled. Instead use drink containers that are reusable or at least recycleable.

  Use newspaper and/or cardboard as fire starter. 
Any use that you can make of an item that might end up in the trash is a good use (recycling is always the best). Using newspaper and/or cardboard as fire starter instead of trashing it slows deforestation and minimizes landfill waste.

  Drink lots and lots of water. 
Everything the human body does is a chemical process. All chemical processes in the body require water. When the body is not properly hydrated it operates at reduced levels. A body thrives with ample water.

  Fix leaky faucets and "running" toilets. 
Sometimes jiggling the handle isn't enough. That leaky faucet or "running" toilet wastes thousands of gallons of water a month and will finally give you a little peace and quiet.

  Keep household chemicals out of children's reach. 
Our households contain very harmful cleaning chemicals which are often stored in low level cabinets and shelves where children can reach them. Keeping chemicals out of children's reach can save their lives.

  Resist dumping hazardous chemicals down the drain. 
Water treatment systems are built to accommodate regular household waste. Pouring hazardous chemicals down household drains taxes municiple water filtration systems and in many communities it pollutes drinking water.

  Buy green power  superceeded
Renewable and "green" energy utilizes wind and water turbine power and solar power. It does not pollute the atmosphere when being produced and it costs the same as unrenewable and polluting energy sources.

  Reduce animal by-products in your home. 
Animal by-products surround us. That classy leather sofa, the comfy down comforter and that prized stuffed elk's head you are so proud of all were killed unnecessarily. Animals no longer must die for human comfort, we can grow and manufacture our stuff.

  Water lawns and gardens in the evening or early morning. 
Watering lawns and gardens in the evening or before dawn allows ample time for the soil to absorb the moisture before the sun can evaporate it. Pouring countless gallons of water on our yards is excessive enough.

  Reduce MTBE usage. 
Roughly half of all watercraft, and 100% of personal watercraft (PWC), are powered by two-stroke marine engines that emit 25-30% of their fuel, unburned, directly into the water. Risisting MTBE usage reduces water pollution in lakes, rivers and oceans.

  Wash dishes, glass and silverware in hot soapy water.  superceeded
Germs are passed easily from one person to another on the rim of a cup or an eating utensil. The best way to ensure that all germs and bacteria are killed before the next use is to clean them in hot soapy water.

  Wear warm clothing instead of using the furnace. 
Even during the coldest temperatures, it is not necessary to constantly maintain shirt sleeve temperatures in our homes. Wearing a sweater at home instead of firing up the furnace saves a great deal of energy and reduces the power bill.

  Find alternatives to disposable paper gift wrap.  superceeded
On Christmas, birthdays, weddings and other giftable occassions an enormous amount wrapping paper finds its way into the trash. Finding alternatives to disposable wrapping paper can save an enormous amount of paper and eliminates waste.

  Use refillable containers and packages. 
Using refillable containers and packages that can be refilled, either directly at the location of purchase or by buying large volume containers and refilling a smaller ones, reduces waste, saves natural resources and money while being more efficient.

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