Guidelines 1 to 459 of 459
- Work from home , great income potential,Indian company.
Acknowledge good qualities.
- What is more honorable than being an unsung hero?
Acknowledging the good deeds and qualities in others.
Add mulch around your plants.
- Adding a mulch around plants slows water evaporation, saving water and giving plants a protective covering that will keep them moist even in the hotest weather. There is enormous water savings
when all of your plants have a layer of mulch.
Add weather strip and caulk around windows and doors.
- Plugging air leaks around doors and windows keeps heat in, saving energy and reducing ozone depleting carbon dioxide.
Admit to masturbating regularly
- People who deny they like to pleasure themselves occasionally are wankers.
Adopt a pet from the shelter.
- Rescuing an unwanted or runaway animal from an adoption
center saves the life of the animal and brings joy to yours.
Agape is... The Intent of the Soul
- Agape is, you treat every single living thing as you wish to be treated, for every single living possess soul. If you practice this in your everyday life, the world would be a peaceful place to live, for it is love that feeds the soul
Always give the benefit of the doubt
- Have the courage not to presume the worst and you won't become a cynical old bastard. Instead, you will always keep your possibilities open.
Always look under public bathroom stalls before waiting in line.
- Be courteous and give a quick look under the bathroom stall doors to make sure that all stalls are occupied before you create a line.
Are you Searching for A Job?
- You must be searching for Home Based Job.
Your search stops here.
Do Online Data Entry Job.
Earn As much as you can.
Work as much as you can.
No Selling or Marketing.
Paid per Entry, not per sale or commission.
Limited posts are left. Send an e-mai
ask how their day was
- Any wo/man loves to be a part of your life. Asking them how their day
was is a great way for the two of become closer.
Ask your utility company for a home energy audit.
- Your power company has an energy audit program that will tell you where your home is poorly insulated or energy-inefficient. This information will help you save energy and lower your energy bill.
Avoid aerosols.
- Avoid aerosols since there is no practical reuse or recycling potential for them. Use products with pumps instead, or use incense or candles to freshen air.
Avoid excessive x-rays.
- It has been proven that x-rays produce harmful radiation poisoning. Avoiding excessive x-rays can save you from having brain cancer. Not letting the dentist x-ray your mouth every six months can save your life.
Avoid single helping packages.
- Purchasing "single helping" packages my be convenient in terms of use, but it is wasteful because there is much more packaging over all, which needlessly expends natural resourses, creates more waste and the cost in relation to the amount goes up.
Avoid the drink box.
- The "aseptic drink box" is made of layers of paper, plastic and aluminum - it can not be recycled. Instead use drink containers that are reusable or at least recycleable.
Avoid using products tested on animals.
- Animal testing is a cruel practice that tortures animals causing them pain and often blindness. Avoiding products that use animal testing save unimaginable pain to hundreds of thousands of animals.
Avoid using products tested on animals.
- Animal testing is a cruel practice that tortures animals causing them pain and often blindness. Avoiding products that use animal testing save unimaginable pain to hundreds of thousands of animals.
Be a defensive driver.
- Cars are immensely heavy objects that travel at great rates of
speed in all directions around us as we endeavor to navigate the terrain. We have no control over what these other cars are doing, so for the sake of your safety please drive defensively.
Be a designated driver.
- Intentionally staying sober to drive others who are drinking,
saves lives, driving records and thousands of dollars in fines.
Be a friend.
- Want a friend? Be a friend.
Be a giving lover.
- Romantic and sexual relationships connect people in physical
and emotional partnership, necessitating the giving and
receiving of both parties. A good balance ferments trust and
harmony, adding to the enjoyment, benefiting both individuals.
Be a mentor.
- Mentorship is a legacy of giving, it enriches individuals and
society. Education is incomplete without the guidance and
wisdom of one who is accomplished and successful.
Be a tutor.
- When someone is having difficulty learning something that we
already know, offering to tutor them greatly increases their chances of success. It is a refresher and chances are that someone helped us learn a thing or two.
Be a whistle-blower.
- Calling attention to unsafe, unscrupulous, illegal or unfair situations at work is a brave and good thing to do. The fear of losing your job is no reason to let flagrant misuse of power continue.
Be An Anarchist
- Bringing down society as we know it, is working with, and not
against, the natural force of Entropy in the universe. Since
Entropy is the strongest force in the universe, being part of
this downward decline makes you a "GoodHuman" in my book.
So act
Be an environmental activist.
- It is very important that those individuals, who are concerned about the environment, are active and speak out to affect change.
Each individual may be a drop in the ocean but together we can create wave of public opinion around the planet.
Be an online activist.
- The computer can be a powerful tool for affecting change. As a grass-roots building resource one can contact politicians, citizens and voters in a way that was impossible a few short years ago.
Be an organ donor.
- Be an organ donor and keep an organ donation card in your wallet. You won't need your organs when you're gone, and they could save someone else's life.
Be an unsung hero.
- Working honorably and without needing recognition, focusing
on the deed, not the rewards, eliminates reward oriented and
competitive motivations, lending a less anxious and more
dignified quality to work and life.
Be courteous on the road
- Being considerate of other people on the road makes everyone happier, and safer.
Be friendly to strangers.
- We are a society of strangers; they are us and we are them.
Being friendly to all whom we encounter brings enjoyment and
dignity to our lives and our community.
Be good.
- Want a more happy and fulfilling life? Try to be good.
Be informed about environmental issues.
- Staying informed about environmental issues helps one vote knowledgably and purchase wisely, affecting change.
Be less judgemental of others.
- People come in all shapes, sizes and behaviors and none of us are
perfect; we all have our disappointing moments. Accepting others
for who they are allows us to feel more comfortable being who
we are. Judge not lest ye be judged etc. etc.
Be less materialistic.
- Being less materialistic brings added dimension to life.
Looking beyond monetary value allows us to enjoy things for
their usefulness. We can do with less stuff and put more of
an emphasis on enjoying people, nature, and the world around us.
Be more honest.
- Our lives can be very complicated socially and
professionally, not being truthful unnecessarily complicates
it more and promotes unhappiness.
Be more of a gentleperson.
- The dictates of proper social conduct are that we be courteous, gracious and honorable, including opening
doors, pulling out chairs and walking on the traffic side
of the sidewalk for others. This shows our respect and our disintersest in conflict.
BE nice all the time
- you gotta be nice toi everone before you can even be considered nice
Be quiet in the library.
Be Respectful @ Funerals
- The dead deserve our respect.
Be tactful yet firm in uncomfortable situations.
Be kind. But do not feel badly about protecting
yourself and the people you care about from dangerous
by asserting yourself, tactfully and firmly.
Become a one-car houshold (if you have 2 or more!) and walk and bike instead of drive.
- Sharing 1 car and biking and walking to run errands etc., saves energy, cuts back on greenhouse gasses, and gets you some exercise in the process!
Become Gay
- Homosexuals are far more clean and upstanding then the straight slobs. More Homos make the world an A OK place to live and commit sodomy.
- Are you a true Christian?
Breast feed your baby.
- Your baby benefits when breast fed, mother's milk is much more nutritious than formula and the baby forms a closer bond with the mother when breast fed. The earth benefits because the formula comes in packaging which must be disposed of.
Breastfeed you baby
- Human milk is good for human babies. Formula is a chemical mixture made in labs that is not good for the earth or babies
Bring your own reusable to-go containers!
- If you usually end up taking half of your meal home from restaurants,
why not plan ahead and bring a reusable container with you when
you dine out or order take-out food.
Brush your teeth.
- Brush your teeth twice-a-day, everyday.
Bundle up rather than blasting the heat.
- Sometimes it's enough just to put on a sweater or warm socks rather than turning up the heat. This can save money and energy!
Buy beer in bulk.
- Purchasing beer in the largest container possible saves having to
manufacture and recycle all of those pesky cans and bottles, and it saves money too.
Buy clothing for your child made from organic cotton material.
- Buying clothing for your child made of organic cotton insures you that toxic chemicals from the pesticide laden cotton production process aren't going to irritate baby's soft skin. Buying organic
is also beneficial for the environment.
Buy eco-friendly cleaners.
- Household cleaners are solutions of powerful cleaning
agents and abrasives which may be ideal for cleaning stains,
they also damage the environment.
Buy eggs in cardboard flats.
- The cardboard "flats" used in egg packaging are made of recycled
newspaper, they are recyclable and biodegrade quickly while polystyrene (styrofoam) takes lifetimes to biodegrade and it produces harmful chemical buyproducts when it does.
Buy genetic engineering-free food.
- Foods altered on a genetic level to play up favorable characteristics, may be large and colorful but the effects of genetic manipulation are unknown, to the extent that Europe and New Zealand have bans on the sale of produce affected this way.
Buy green power
- Renewable and "green" energy utilizes wind and water turbine power and solar power. It does not pollute the atmosphere when being produced and it costs the same as unrenewable and polluting energy sources.
Buy handicrafts directly from artists or from an artisan co-op.
- Buying handicrafts directly from an artist or from an organized local artisans co-op ensures that the money you spend will go directly to the artist.
Buy less leather.
- Killing animals for wearable items is a horrid way to clothe ourselves. Not purchasing leather goods saves cow's lives.
Buy locally produced goods and services.
- Purchasing local products stabilizes jobs and bolsters the
Buy organically grown food
- Pesticides pollute the water and land.
Buy organically grown tea instead of commercially grown tea.
- As we all know, pesticides are harmful to the health of our
planet and the beings who reside here. Buying organic tea is
one way to help keep our soil, water and bodies free from
carcinogenic and other toxic substances.
Buy pet beds made out of natural or recycled materials.
Buy products in bulk.
- Buying products in bulk reduces packaging waste, especially if you bring your own reusable containers. It's usually more economical too.
Buy products made from recycled material.
- Purchasing products made from recycled material reduces the need for new materials to be produced which conserves natural resources. This reduces waste because used materials aren't occupying landfill space.
Buy recycled paper rather than tree-free.
- Tree-free paper may be cool, but it doesn't help the environment as much as recycled paper does. By reusing the trees we've already cut down, we keep trash out of the landfills and we reuse the resources we already spent water and energy harvesting, espe
Buy socially responsible and fair trade products
- When you buy socially responsible products you help the environment and everyone who was involved in making that product
Plus you can affirm you values. Think of it as voting with your dollar.
Buy tree-free paper.
- Purchasing paper manufactured with tobacco, banana leaf, denim, recycled wood pulp, or hemp, saves trees and is very cool.
Buy whole fruits and vegetables.
- Buy whole fruits and vegetables to avoid the unnecessary trays and wraps. This reduces waste and you are more likely to get
fresher produce at lower prices this way.
Call your mother.
- Parents may desire more contact with their sons and
daughters than the offspring themselves.
Car pool.
- Put two people going to the same place, in the same car, and
the environment benefits.
Carry and use your own coffee mug or other beverage container.
- Carry your own beverage container instead of using the paper or plastic cups provided at stores and coffee shops.
Check paper boxes (cereal etc.) to ensure they are recycled.
- Checking paper box packaging, such as cereal boxes, to ensure they are recycled (the unprinted side should be grey not white) saves paper, trees, and reuces waste.
Chemical Free Organic Products
- Lather yourself with healthy, life encouraging bath and body products for you and your family
Choose cremation instead of excavation.
- Cremation uses relatively little energy as compared with the
fuel used to power a backhoe to dig a proper burial hole.
Modern cremation utilizes air filtration and produces little in terms of air pollution as compared with excavation equipment.
Chop your veggies by hand.
- Rather than using a noisy, electric appliance, save energy and exercise your muscles by hand-chopping vegetables.
Clean and replace air conditioner filters.
- By simply cleaning that dirty filter in your air conditioner, you can save 5% of the energy used and reduce carbon dioxide.
Clean up after your dog
- It's smelly and inconvenient, but it's your mess and you
should clean it up
Clean up after your Pet to help prevent water pollution and desease.
- Dogs generate disease-causing bacteria that can make people sick. Studies done in the last few years put dogs third or fourth on the list of contributors to bacteria in contaminated waters. If you do not want to do it yourself hire a professional like Du
Co-ops - support and join local co-ops
- Health food or grocery co-ops often promote package- and pesticide-free food. Support or volunteer at your local cooperative.
Commit Genocide
- Murder every person belonging to a particular race or religion. Jews and blacks have been quite popular throughout history. Spare no baby nor female.
Compost kitchen scraps, leaves and yard clippings.
- Leaves, yard clippings and kitchen scraps can be composted,
reducing landfill glut, and producing, rich organic gardening
Compost the dust swept up from the floor.
- Dust, hair, sand, dirt and kitchen food scraps are all great for
the compost pile. In a lifetime one could save quite
a bit of landfill space while enriching the land where one lives.
Compost your leaves and yard debris.
- Compost your leaves and yard debris or take them to a yard debris recycler. Burning them creates air pollution, and putting them out with the trash wastes landfill space.
Conserve water in the bathroom.
- By using a low flow shower head, a toilet water displacement
device, by taking showers instead of baths and letting the "yellow mellow", one can conserve an enormous amount of
Consider alternative health remedies.
- Doctors seem like dealers for drug companies. They are
quick to write prescriptions for pain killers to reduce
symptoms but not specific causes of illness. Alternative health practitioners address the body as a whole, which is a more healing approach.
Consider buying necessary items at flea markets or garage sales.
- As they say, "one man's trash is another man's treasure". Some of
my most treasured items I have bought second hand, such as
sweatshirts, pots & pans, tools, etc. Re-using and refurbishing
old items saves landfill space and also tends to satisfy that
Consider renting an eco-friendly rental car.
- Environmental Vehicle Rental rents alternative fuel vehicles, including electric and gas, which are less harmful to the environment than regular combustion engine vehicles.
Consider telecommuting options for your employees.
- Even one day a week of not driving can make a huge differnece both ecologically and with worker moral. Many employees would be more productive with the kind of un-interrupted one can get a home, away from the social office environment.
- Being vegan is good for the environment, the animals, yourself, and everyone else in the world.
Contact elected officials to express concerns.
- Calling or writing elected officials to let them know how you stand on issues can have a great impact on legistlation and their votes on issues.
Create a lawnmower-free zone in your yard.
- Challenge conventional wisdom of what a yard should be, by designating at least a portion of your yard as a "no-mow"
zone, allowing grasses, weeds and local naturally seeding plants to grow, providing food for birds and other critters.
Dine with others.
- When we sit down to eat a meal with others, it elevates a
daily mundane activity into a more enjoyable occasion. We
have a little time to share our thoughts, some conversation,
and the experience of being together.
Do a home exchange for your next vacation.
Do work for other people ,for favour rather than cash
- some people can not always afford to pay for your services with cash, but they may be able to provide a service to you in return.
don't be so sanctimonious/use violence NOT peacefull protest(its what they understand)
- rather than sit around pontificating on whether u are a good human and lobbying your
m.p/congressman/dictator/whatever go and start a riot or kill a cop, it'ss the only language they understand
betterstill kill your m.p./congressman or burn down starbuc
Don't buy clothes that require dry cleaning.
- Dry cleaning pollutes the environment and the chemicals are toxic to humans.
Don't eat cow flesh
- Stop eating all food which contains cow
Don't eat dogs.
- Dogs are domesticated animals which we should not consume.
Don't exceed the speed limit
- Efficiency of fuel, of vehicle, and of human safety is greatly improved.
Don't kill people.
- Don't kill people, you'll regret it later. Its bad for the
soul, Karma and possibilities for future happiness.
Don't let your dog chase cats.
- Many dogs will take off after a cat as soon as they see it.
This endangers the dog and really endangers the cat. Make
your you have control of your dog if there is a cat nearby.
Don't litter your cigarette butts
- Everywhere I go, I see tons of cigarette butts and it makes me upset because it is still littering. Hold on to your cigarette until you find an ashtray. If worst comes to worst, make your cigarette IS PUT OUT ALL THE WAY and throw it in a trashcan.
Don't patronize events that exploit animals
- Circuses, rodeos, horse and dog races, zoos, bullfights and marine parks are just a few examples of events in which animals are exploited for human entertainment. Would you want to live in a cage and perform for people every day of the year?
Don't pick fights.
- People may upset us, but that is no reason to become
physically confrontational. Resorting to violence doesn't
solve problems, it exasorbates them.
Don't pirate satellite signals
- Even if it is cheap and easy, don't steal satellite
signals to get free tv.
Don't stalk people
- when you are in a relationship with someone, do NOT overdo it. spend some time with them, but not too much.
if you find that the person you "love" is the only person you ever want to be with, go get some friends, because they will probably tell you to ge
Don't steal.
- Stealing may be an expedient way to aquire wealth or an
object of desire, but it all comes back in the end and it
will be you who is stolen from.
Don't swear in front of children.
- Children need positive and optimistic environments, swearing
infront of them serves to infect them with meanness,
coloring their world with disharmony.
- So, you finally became vegetarian and still have leather shoes you bought a year ago?
KEEP THEM!-it's a waiste to toss.Just don't buy anymore of that crap.
Don't use bleach.
- If every household in the U.S. replaced just one bottle of 32 oz. chlorine bleach with non-chlorine bleach, we could save 4.5 million pounds of chlorine from entering our environment
Don't use travel agents or tour operators who promote child sex
- There are plenty of travel and tour agencies that promote and sell sex tours that involve children; don?t support these businesses.
Donate blood.
- Donating blood saves lives. It is an easy (but not entirely painless) way to do something significant for someone in need.
Donate leftover wedding food to charity.
- Have leftover food from the wedding reception? Donate it to a homeless shelter or other charity.
Donate old clothing to charity.
- Your jeans may seem old and worn out to you, but they may be just perfect for someone else. Give your clothes a chance at a new life, donate them to the Goodwill, Salvation Army, or other appropriate organization.
Donate wedding flowers to a nursing home or other charity.
- Donate wedding flowers to those who will really appreciate them, perhaps to a nursing home, womens' shelter, or any other organization that could use some brightening up.
Donate your long hair for wigs for chemotherapy patients.
- If you have long hair and plan on getting it cut, consider donating
it to charity. There are organizations who will take your hair and
creat realistic wigs for children and adults suffering through
Donate your old car to charity.
- Donating your old car saves your having to advertise and deal with
the parade of potential buyers. A charitable organization can
use it and they will come and pick it up, running or not and you
get a tax deduction to boot.
Dont introduce non native plant species into a wilderness area
- Non-native plant species can be terribly destructive to natural
wilderness habitats. Planting only native plants will insure that
fragile eco-balances will not be destroyed.
Don\'t use to-go containers.
- To-go containers are a convenient, but inefficient and
environmentally harmful food storage device.