It has been proven that x-rays produce harmful radiation poisoning. Avoiding excessive x-rays can save you from having brain cancer. Not letting the dentist x-ray your mouth every six months can save your life.
Animal testing is a cruel practice that tortures animals causing them pain and often blindness. Avoiding products that use animal testing save unimaginable pain to hundreds of thousands of animals.
Be an organ donor and keep an organ donation card in your wallet. You won't need your organs when you're gone, and they could save someone else's life.
Doctors seem like dealers for drug companies. They are
quick to write prescriptions for pain killers to reduce
symptoms but not specific causes of illness. Alternative health practitioners address the body as a whole, which is a more healing approach.
Many people have medical problems that can only be relieved
with the use of marijuana. It is cruel to prohibit them from access to this soothing and healing natural herb. The fear of drug proliferation is unsubstantiated.