It is common courtesy, good hygiene and one of our basic
social mores, to exhibit proper toilet behavior. Lift the seat - keeping it as clean as possible - then flush, and drop the seat when finished.
Plants and flowers brighten our environment, bringing life
and beauty to any space. They require regular watering, ritually bringing us into their world and expanding ours.
It is frustrating to go the freezer needing ice, only to find
that the ice-cube tray has been emptied and not refilled. Refilling the tray is an investment in the future coldness of soft drinks, coctails and water for you and others.
SPAM is electronic junk mail or any unsolicited and irrelevant
email communication. This creates an unbelievable amount of
unnecessary web traffic that slows real communication and wastes
our time as we must continually work to rid ourselves of it.