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  Get an education.  superceeded
Getting an education enables us to seek more sophisticated and financially rewarding employment as well as being a personally and socially enriching experience.

  Study hard. 
Wouldn't it be great if we remembered everything we learn? When we study "hard" we gain a better understanding of a topic and can retain the knowledge longer, this saves time not having to refresh or relearn something, we carry the knowledge with us.

Working from home saves fuel, reduces pollution and traffic as well as being easier on you and your family.

  Consider alternative health remedies. 
Doctors seem like dealers for drug companies. They are quick to write prescriptions for pain killers to reduce symptoms but not specific causes of illness. Alternative health practitioners address the body as a whole, which is a more healing approach.

  Live closer to town. 
Living in or close to town saves gas money and is much less polluting than living in remote regions. Life is a bit easier over-all when one lives near stores and gas stations, its much better for the environment, your fuel budget, and your social life.

  Return phone and email messages. 
It is frustrating to leave a message on an answering service or to email someone without them getting back to you. It is important to return contact as soon as is convinient, so a person knows that the message was received.

  Buy clothing for your child made from organic cotton material.  superceeded
Buying clothing for your child made of organic cotton insures you that toxic chemicals from the pesticide laden cotton production process aren't going to irritate baby's soft skin. Buying organic is also beneficial for the environment.

  Use as little water as possible when cooking. 
The more water you use in your food when cooking, the longer it takes to heat. Reducing cooking time lowers energy usage which translates to big savings on your energy bill.

  Urge the stores and restaurant you patronize to recycle. 
We as individuals have enormous power to create change in our lives and community, it just takes trying. Insisting that the places you shop at recycle to keep your repeat business, shows the real power of the consumer.

  Purchase dry goods in bulk. 
Purchase dry foods in bulk (health food stores have bulk bins great for beans, pasta, grains, etc.) You are afforded more choices this way while reducing packaging waste and you'll save money too.

  Recycle motor oil. 
Used motor oil is a harmful pollutant that damages plant and animal life, as well as ground water. As it breaks down or is diluted, one gallon of motor oil can contaminate 1000 gl. of fresh water. Recycling motor oil protects the environment.

  Keep your house clean. 
Keeping your house clean has many benefits, your stuff remains orginized and easy to find, it reduces germs and bacteria, it is more socially prefered and it will give you peace of mind to live in a clean environment.

  Drive less 
Extraneous driving acts only to waste fuel and pollute the atmosphere. It may seem like it is our birthright to "just drive", but nothing could be further from the truth.

  Make art. 
Whether you have specific skills or are artisticly inept, creating art is good for the soul. The mind awakens spiritual energy within and it comes out in the form of visual and tangible stuff that others can see. It is magic.

  Preserve memories by taking photos/video of family and friends. 
As we grow up and older, memories begin to fade and people move away or lose touch. By taking photos or video, we can keep these memories and preserve moments that may become lost forever.

  Write a GoodHumans guideline of your own.  superceeded
Writing a guideline adds to the community opinion of what a goodhuman is. It takes a brief amount of time but it shows that one cares about goodness enough to contribute to the collective thought.

  Wear a helmet while bicycling. 
Wearing a helmet eveytime you ride your bike protects, your head against head injuries. You may feel silly wearing it on short trips but you never know when you may need it.

  Find out which companies are polluting your neighborhood. 
Knowledge is power. Once you know who is polluting your neighborhood, you'll be able to do something about it, whether it be lobbying against the company or simply just avoiding the area.

  Buy products made from recycled material. 
Purchasing products made from recycled material reduces the need for new materials to be produced which conserves natural resources. This reduces waste because used materials aren't occupying landfill space.

  Go to the library instead of the bookstore. 
Purchasing books that may be used little more than once is very wasteful as compared to going to the library and reading books that will be used many times. This saves trees and eliminates waste.

  Reuse jars and plastic containers. 
Many of the products that we buy in the supermarket are packaged in jars and plastic containers than can be reused in many different ways. This reduces waste and saves us from having to buy containers.

  Avoid single helping packages. 
Purchasing "single helping" packages my be convenient in terms of use, but it is wasteful because there is much more packaging over all, which needlessly expends natural resourses, creates more waste and the cost in relation to the amount goes up.

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