Created by: iluv2so on 2004-09-11 21:55:13
Last modified by: iluv2so on 2004-09-11 22:34:23
Summary: Don't worry about knowing everything or nothing. Focus on one thing, and become an expert.
Author's statement:
My guideline is an example of me "learning the hard way."It took
55 years to realize 'we can know a lot about a lot of things, but
we can only become an expert by knowing a lot about one thing.'
I can think of many reasons why my guidline is appropriate.
*The focus of global education is to make each member of a
culture conform to a particular political and social ideaology.
Students are not afforded the time to focus on one thing.
*We learn a little bit about a lot of subjects.
*We learn that our gene pool may determine our IQ, only to find
out that if we focus on one thing we can overcome generational
*Genius's focus on one thing.
*Cognitively challenged individuals focus on one thing.
*In order to become an expert pianist we must focus, focus, focus.
*When we try to focus on too many things we burn out.
*Negative stress is the result of having too many things on our
*By focusing on one thing we find out its true nature.
*Brainwashing will not take place.
*Deprogramming will not be necessary.(My head hurts now)