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Top > Guidelines > Transportation > All guidelines > Good: Only Christ is good!
Good: Only Christ is good!

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0 points - anything else as a source will also determin a Identity, but a false one 50 points - Ask a Christian friend 99 points - The honest seeker will find. You will seek me (God) and find me when you seekme with all your heart.
100 points - God as source for my identity - result: I am truly myself how am meant to be
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Guideline details
Created by: pieter on 2000-11-06 05:44:08
Last modified by: pieter on 2000-11-06 06:28:27

Summary: The heart of the human problem is the heart. We all like sheep have gone astray and eah of us has turned to his own way and the Lord has laid on Him the eniquity of us all -The Bible-

Author's statement:
- Objective Moral Values only exist if God exists. Objective Moral Values do exist,
Therefore God exists too!
- There is no way you will be able to determine what is Good and Bad unless there is
a central point of reference which is beyond you and which is not only true for you,
but also true for everyone and every culture regardless the mood of the age.
- If you disagree with me and believe that moral values is only subjective
(everyone determines his or her own personl morality)...Fine,..but what are you going
to say to e.g. pedophiles who rape/kill innoccent children? after all they have there
personal morals too and if that allowes raping and killing, what are you going to say?
- Conclusion, if we were to think about moral values (which is a good thing) I recommend
to have a look at the Bible too.

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