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Top > Guidelines > Transportation > All guidelines > Wash your dog (and other pets) in a tub.
Wash your dog (and other pets) in a tub.

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0 points - 5 points - I just use the outside hose, a tub is too much trouble. 25 points -
50 points - I usually use a tub when bathing my pets. 75 points - 100 points - I always use a tub when bathing my pets.
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Guideline details
Created by: epurcell on 2000-03-15 11:49:13
Last modified by: epurcell on 2000-03-15 11:52:04

Summary: Use a tub when washing your dog or other pets. Using the outside hose alone to wash animals wastes water. Using a tub, whether the bathtub inside, or a portable tub outside, ensures that you make the most of the water needed to get your pet clean.

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