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Top > Guidelines > Transportation > Drink less milk. > Revisions
approved   Drink only organic milk from cows that are not mistreated.   (Created:2004-10-16 20:29:39, live)
Drinking only organic milk from cows that are not mistreated is mortally acceptable, and healthy for most people. Dairy products are the best food sources of calcium. Not everyone wants to be a vegan. Not everyone wants to be a vegan.

superceeded   Drink less milk.   (Created:2000-02-02 10:42:37, inactive)
Dairy products are produced by horribly and cruely exploiting cows. The days of a Jersey cow grazing in the romanticly tall grasses of a meadow are long gone. That cow is caged, fattened and sucked by a machine. Whats more? Milk is poison for humans.

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