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Top > Guidelines > Transportation > eat vegan!
eat vegan!

Choose the statement which best reflects your behavior and click on Update my score

0 points - I kill for pleasure 20 points - I don't eat veal or wear fur 40 points - I eat some fish, fowl or dairy
80 points - I am lacto-ovo 100 points - I'm a vegan

Guideline details
Created by: mattmargolin on 2000-03-24 06:28:01
Last modified by: mattmargolin on 2000-03-24 06:34:16

Summary: Being vegan is compassionate, ecological, and healthful. What's better than being nice, healthy and saving the planet? (Detailed statistics are available from a number of vegetarian/animal rights sources, such as PETA)

Organic socks
Hemp wallets
Organic clothing
Hemp bags

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