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Top > Guidelines > Transportation > Unscored guidelines > Visit friends in jail.
Visit friends in jail.

Choose the statement which best reflects your behavior and click on Update my score

0 points - If a friend went to jail, they would cease to be my friend. 5 points - I would never visit a friend in jail. 25 points - I've had a friend in jail, but only sent a letter.
50 points - I have never had a friend in jail, but if I did I would visit them. 75 points - I have visited a friend in jail. 100 points - I have visited friends in jail several times.
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Guideline details
Created by: roof_angels on 2001-03-05 21:37:57
Last modified by: roof_angels on 2001-03-05 21:37:57

Summary: People in jail are in mean and unfriendly environments which may affect them adversely, a friend who visits can make a world of difference in terms of keeping them in touch with their lives out side and helps keep them grounded.

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Related information
web links
  • The Prisoners Wifes HandBook

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