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Top > Guidelines > Transportation > User profile > Dont bring babies on airplanes
Note: This guideline has been superceeded. Please update your score at the new revision.

0 points - I bring my infant on the plane every time I fly 20 points - Most of the time I do not bring my infant on the plane 80 points - I only bring a child under 3 on a plane for true emergencies
100 points - I have not brought a child under 3 on a plane for at least a year

Guideline details
Created by: ghroot on 1999-10-11 18:16:10
Last modified by: ghroot on 2001-02-02 00:57:45

Summary: Except when it is absolutely necessary, do not bring infants on airplanes

Author's statement:

Babies cry.  This is very annoying to everyone
else on the airplane.  Since there is no way
to guarantee that your infant won't cry on
the plane, the best thing to do is to leave
the infant at home while you travel or simply
forego travelling for a few years until the 
child is old enough to behave correctly on 
a plane.

The concept of babies being annoying seems
difficult for most parents to understand.   They
seem to feel that it is there inalienable right
to bring screaming babies on the plane.   But,  think
for a moment what would happen if an adult or 
adolescent acted like a baby on the hear plane.  If I were
to scream the whole flight, I would surely be 
arrested upon landing.  It is no less annoying for
non-parents to hear this screaming that it would
be to hear an adult screaming.

We do not arrest babies for crying and their
parents are not held accountable.  This, however,
does not relieve the parents of their responsibility
to the other people on that plane.  It merely keeps
them out of jail.

When you bring your infant on the plane you are 
saying,  "My need to travel is more important than
the the comfort of the other 400 people on the plane"

The GoodHuman thing to do is to put those
other people's needs above one's own and leave
your infant home.

The GoodHuman thing to do is to not bring
your infant on the plane.   

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