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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > 119,000 DEAD --Help Support Disaster Relief in Southeast Asia --David Levi Communications, Inc.
Posted by: mr5012u on 2004-12-31 02:26:57

Help Support Disaster Relief in Southeast Asia
People across Southeast Asia, stricken by the Tsunami Disaster, need your help to recover and rebuild - many have lost everything. Please join millions of other generous Americans and support one or many of the important relief organizations below with a safe and easy contribution now. Your cash contributions are desperately needed and will provide assistance to those whose lives have been devastated by this terrible disaster.

Make a Donation
Make a difference now by supporting organizations on the ground in Asia helping those affected by this tragedy.
Where possible, please designate your funds to "Tsunami Relief".

Emergency Response
American Jewish World Service
Sending humanitarian aid to the people affected by the Tsunami.

American Red Cross
International Response Fund

Immediate relief for the emergency in Southeast Asia.

BAPS Care International
Provides food kitchens to distribute hot food in affected towns in India.

Providing food, clean water, clothing, bedding and medicines to tsunami disaster victims.

Catholic Relief Services
Emergency response support.

Church World Service
Humanity First, USA
International Orthodox Christian Charities
Responding to earthquake disaster in South Asia.

Islamic Relief
Meeting the emergency needs of thousands in areas devastated by earthquake and tsunamis.

Salvation Army
Providing immediate help in the form of water, food, clothing, medical supplies and temporary shelter, and counseling bereaved people.

Tamil Rehabilitation Organization Food & Medicine
Action Against Hunger USA
Providing immediate material needs to displace families

Direct Relief International
Sending medical material aid to earthquake victims.

Food for Life Global
International Medical Corps
Assess public health needs and coordinate an emergency response.

MAP International
Preparing shipments of medicines and medical supplies.

Oxfam America
Sending food and water to aid victims.

Project Concern International
Funds will be used to purchase urgently needed supplies.

United Nations World Food Programme Children & Families
Assisting families affected by the earthquake.

Samaritan's Purse
Save the Children

Delivering survival supplies to coastal areas.

World Vision
Food and Family Survival Kits to affected Asians.

Rebuild & Recover
ADRA International
Responding to and assessing the damage in Thailand, Sri Lanka, Indonesia, and India.

American Friends Service Committee
Providing support for earthquake and tsunami survivors in Asia.

Architecture for Humanity
Helping to rebuild in the earthquake's aftermath.

Asha for Education
Lutheran World Relief
Providing relief aid with partners in India.

David Harrison Levi Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA

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