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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > 2-Sex: That was interesting...
Posted by: Meff on 2003-11-11 11:30:12

About the side effect of Soriatane: Psoriasis improved but vision dimmer...You were right to stop the medicine....I'd rather have psoriasis than potential blindness...Better try something else..
Re: eyes watering....That usually means ~~~>"dry eyes"...Sounds like a paradox, but it's true. (The eyes are losing their protective mucoid-film & try to compensate by watering) Here's what may help that problem: (According to my research in books & on the web)
Vitamin B6, Evening Primrose Oil, Oregon Grape Root, Bilberry, Cod liver Oil, Glucosamine, Acidophilus, Falxseed oil capsules, Mg+, Vit C, K+, Vitamin A eye drops. (Avoid tylenol, codeine, sugar, & Equal sweetener. (All these may cause dehydration of the eyes.)
You can get all these at any health-food store or online at: (A good mail-order health food co.)
PS If you are post-menopausal, the dry-eyes may be related to diminished hormones...And the Soriatane was helping the dry-eyes... Good Luck, 2nd-Sex!

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