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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Abortion
Posted by: on 2000-11-06 07:08:39

Dear Rev Jackson,
I have never written a letter like this before. You have come out in favor of Al Gore and are endorsing his policies. You of all people a respected man of the cloth
endorsing abortion? That's killing an innocent human who has done nothing. What if your mother had an abortion? You would not be here to defend people. There could be a baby in the womb who may be another Jesse Jackson or a Martin Luther King. These little ones need someone to stand up for them. There are so many families wanting to adopt, including black families. Also Al Gore seems to be for homosexuals being able to adopt. He and Tipper are courting the gay vote. This is against everything the bible preaches.
Please Rev Jackson take a stand & defend the morals of our great country before it's too late.

Thank you

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