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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Abortion, etc.
Posted by: pinkmandy on 2002-10-31 21:06:00

Having abortions does nothing to stop homelessness. I have thoroughly researched homelessness and wrote many college papers on the matter. The majority of homeless people are homeless because of varying degrees of mental illness. Our homeless population surged when Congress passed legislation a couple decades ago that made it a violation of constitutional rights to hold the mentally ill without their consent unless they are a proven threat to society. Where do you think they all went? Many homeless people simply do not have the same thought processes as we do. Many are indifferent to the fact that they are living on the streets and could not or would not hold a job even if you gave them one AND gave them a home. Within a short period of time they would be homeless again! Of course, some are down on their luck- they will bounce back. Others are teens. Some drug addicts. Naturally we should help ALL the homeless people but KILLING A BABY will do nothing to change to situation. Population control? Bull. In nature there are natural population controls. Plagues, natural disasters, etc. I have yet to see an animal (other than humans) perform abortions. Yes, I believe that women have the right to choose. THEY HAVE THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE TO USE BIRTH CONTROL. Abortion is not birth control. Of course some will argue, well what about rape, etc. Well, what about it? It is a horrible crime, but allowing YOUR CHILD to live inside you for nine months is not too much to ask so that YOUR CHILD can enjoy LIFE. Adoption is a very real option. As for partial-birth abortions, that is just disgusting. Ever seen one? This is a BABY, fully formed BABY, being DELIVERED, only to be killed before he/she takes her first breath. Once the baby comes down the birth canal, ALIVE AT THE TIME, he/she is injected in the neck with a serum that kills him/her by turning his/her brain to mush and then his/her skull is crushed for delivery. Should the baby slip out during the procedure and take that first breath as a living human being (what was the baby before?), the doctor can be charged with murder. I have carried two children and to say a baby in the womb is merely a "fetus" is ridiculous. At nine weeks, my sons' had heartbeats. Do you know of ANYTHING that is NOT ALIVE THAT HAS A HEARTBEAT??? If you think abortion is okay, you have not felt your "fetus" move inside of you. Okay, I am done now. This just infuriates me. If it is not life, then what is it??????????? Reproduction is LIFE. Stop making excuses so that you can live the way that you want. Accept responsibility. If you are pregnant with an unwanted child, at least give that child a chance to live. There are thousands out there looking for babies to adopt.

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