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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Anti peace protestor
Posted by: FrequeNC on 2003-04-01 03:05:06

I have not read much of what has been posted here regarding this matter. I just want to say a few words on the hugely trendy peace movement - It blows my mind, that after an incident like Septmeber 11th has happened as well as the (less publicized) Bali bombing - that people can sit back and say that peace is the way this situation should be handled. I hear people saying - "Where did Saddam come from, one minute it is Osama Bin Laden, and the next it is Saddam" Well let me say to you, Saddam Hussein has been a target of the US for good reason for over 10 years. He has not appeared as an excuse. I think that George Bush is doing a hell of a job to protect America. We can not wait until another attack before action is taken against madmen. And the thing that blows my mind is people protesting for peace saying that "we should disarm Saddam, but not like this" Could you please sit the fence a little more?! Do you think Saddam Hussein will give up his chemical weapons if we ask him nicely. The UN went in there and dropped the ball big time, while Saddam is now preparing to use weapons that he claimed to the world that he did not have!! And after all of this, people still want to protest that there should not be a war. I think those people need to get their heads on straight based on the demonstrations that showed peace protestors pulling people from their cars and beating them up. Nice irony... It is because our country has fought and paid prices in the past that you people even have the right to go out and say what you want. And it is appauling to me to see that all of you go out and cost our country millions of dollars protesting the freedom that you have without question. No one wants a war, but we do not live in a world of peace, and never will. It takes a man to stand up to a criminal-rather than duck his head and run crying "but I don't want you to bully me!" Do you peace protestors honestly think that if the US and Britain and Australia all left now and avoided a war, Saddam Hussein would stop making chemical weapons and murdering his own people? He has lied about that exact thing for the last 10 years, why would he stop now? Good on you George W. Bush. I am behind you all the way.

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