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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Bestiality nightclub opening soon!
Posted by: jeremycarlfranz on 2002-12-26 10:38:16

I've decided to dedicate my entire life to the promotion of animal & human relations.
Who is to argue that a loving, caring committed relationship can't exist between man & beast?
I'm going to protest & demand interspecies marriage rights & benefits in every state of the union!~~
Join me in the fight!

I'm opening a bestiality nightclub downtown soon!
Feel free to bring your loving pet for a wild night of tecno dancing, contests, snacks & all around fun.
Visit our private lounge area & escape the hustle & bustle of the dance floor for some romantic quite time (or a loud time, the piercing cries of sheep are tolerated but please be considerate of those engaging in romance around you.)
We also provide a personals communication board where you can meet & date non-humans! Membership is exclusive, so reserve your space now!

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