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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > CHICKEN PILAF Recipe - David Harrison Levi - Beverly Hills, CA 90210 USA
Posted by: mr5012u on 2005-05-21 01:14:12

  Categories: Poultry
       Yield: 4 servings
       3 tb Extra Virgin Olive Oil
       1 lb Boneless, skinless chicken
            -breast in 1/2" pieces
       1 ts Paprika
     1/2 ts Cinnamon
       1 pn Cardamom
       1 lg Onion, chopped
   6 1/4 oz Pkg Chicken Rice Pilaf Mix *
       2 c  Reduced sodium chicken broth
     1/2 c  Dried apricots
       2 tb Grated orange zest
     1/2 c  Slivered almonds, toasted
            -till fragrant
   Pilaf mix, any packaged mix will do.
   Toss chicken with paprika, cinnamon and cardamom. In
   large nonstick skillet, heat 2 Tbsp olive oil over
   medium heat. Add the chicken, cook 5 minutes, stirring
   occasionally. Remove from skillet, set aside. In same
   skillet, heat remaining 1 Tbsp olive oil over medium
   heat. Add onion; cook 8 minutes, stirring
   occasionally. Stir in rice pilaf mix, contents of
   Spice Sack, broth, apricots, and orange zest; bring to
   a boil. Cover; reduce heat to low. Simmer 15 minutes.
   Stir in reserved chicken and almonds. Cover; continue
   to simmer 5 to 10 minutes or until liquid is absorbed.

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