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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Eco Stone Solutions
Posted by: johnlevel5 on 2007-09-19 08:36:32

It is vitally important that we all do our best to protect the environment.
My wife and I do everything we can to do our part. I am an independent
manufacturers rep for many companies in the stone and stone care industry.
I recently dropped a line of stone care products, much to my wife's dismay,
it represented 40% of my total income, for an environmentally responsible
solution. That company is "EcoStone Solutions". David Ross, the president
and founder, has gone to great lengths to develop the technology in his products.
Every one of these sealers and cleaners is as environmentally responsible as today's
technology permits. Our competitors are still producing toxic and non-voc compliant
products, they claim it is to expensive to reformulate. I submit to you that it is
to expensive not to reformulate the products. What's more important the bottom line
or our planet? EcoStone Solutions has even gone so far as to take 2% of it's profits
and redirect that money to cleaning up the environment. Just thought you might like
to know that not all companies are bottom line driven, some actually care.

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