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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Hey! Lets make our own country!!!
Posted by: Adam on 2002-09-14 18:58:33

Yeah! Lets just go out and make a country because we fail to see the difficulties in maintaining and controlling a government! Better yet, lets make a UTOPIA!! YEAH! Because NOBODY else has ever tried it, not to mention any du- good humans like us!

... Let me just as you something... what is too terribly wrong with the country you live in right now? Really, what can be so bad about it. Every country has it's flaws. And it is boarder-line IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy... so wouldn't you say government is going a good job? I understand many of you mean well. And it is clear that you are trying to make the world better... but this is just dumb. It's very hard for dumb people to upkeep a utopia; smart people have enough trouble with it themselves. A utopian society simply cannot exist with humans, and that's just in our nature. Not to mention, the type of society you're after would HALT the progression of technology, and send the human race into a regressive period that would inevitably send us back to the stone age. THINGS CANNOT ALWAYS BE THE WAY YOU WANT THEM TO BE. And just because certain people cannot agree with decisions and ideas your country makes, DOES NOT mean you go off and make another. I'm almost compelled to support your stupid idea because it would only weed out those who are stupid in society as to make more room for those of us who are smart. YOU PEOPLE ARE JUST SO DUMB, PLEASE STOP BEING DUMB. Can you do that? Please? It would really be LOGICAL, and would probably be more PRODUCTIVE. So why don't we give it a shot. You tried being complete and total idiots, and that didn't work out so well. Why don't we try being somewhat more intellectual, may THAT will work a little better...

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