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I'm feeling lucky

Top > GoodHumans Message boards > i have way too much time on my hands EMOTICONS ;-) ROTFLOL DAVID HARRISON LEVI
Posted by: mr5012u on 2005-02-27 01:12:03

I have way too much time on my hands EMOTICONS ;-) DAVID HARRISON LEVI


Emoticon: Description:
<:o) Just a plain old happy face
>:o) Just a plain old happy face
B*) or B{ ) Glasses and Mustache
:-{)> or :{)> Smile with a beard and mustache
=-( + or =(+ Mourning for lost one
8D or 8-D Really Happy
?8 -) or ?8 ) Confused
$ -) Stoned
$ -Q Smoking pot
:-)~ or :)~ Happy face sticking out tongue
O>) Cyclops
:-* Kiss
:**: Kiss on mouth
.-) Person who can smile even though he's lost an eye.
:------) Person with really long nose.
:p or :-p Giving a raspberry
&=) Elvis
E&=<o) a French baker

[|:-)8 Smiling man with hat and bow tie
=8-> or =8> Bad hair day
=:-( or =:( Bad hair day
#*:-) or #*:) Bad hair day

:--) > gottee
==:oB or =:-B Easter Bunny with big teeth
=-1 or =1 Thinking
B-, Nerd
I-{> or I{> mustache & beard
d:) with cap
{:-) lincoln
:^" I'd like to give you a kiss
>:-@ mad as hell (you don't have any showing anger)
>:-@#*% mad as hell (you don't have any showing anger)
:-{} too much lipstick
:~( crying
:~~( Crying
~..~ frowny face
:-)) or :o)) smile with a double chin
:^J Smirk
:^D or :-D Goofy Grin
:-p #$%& Being sick
:p #$%& Being sick
:-( or : { Worried
:-P~~~~~~~~~ Raspberries

(^_^) Japanese smiley face
|-) or |) Sleeping (aka "cool")
5:-) Elvis
@;^) Elvis
?: ) or ?: | Elvis by Nick.Brown
*(:{) My Santa By Cheri Scott
:-)= or :)= Rabbit teeth
:::) or 88) An anlien and his alien dog
:)~<OO= I'm fat
{;)<8 or {;-)<8 Wink from a lady
>:-)~ Guy with one eyebrow and a goat
>:-] or >:] Devil
=O) Hello

:8) or 8) Pig smiling
8D Surprised
}:-U or }:U Complaining
(}{}>:-( Nuclear madness
-=) or -:) Punker
: D{ Mustache
:-{)> or :{)> Smiley face with goatee
:>) Nosey/Nosie
:-)~ or : )~ My Tongue's Wagging
:+))) smiley with double chin
(o:F Rudolph
q(:^)) (*) ( *) (*)B Frosty
:-P~~~~~~~~~~ Sticking out tongue, Big time

{} {} {} {} Kisses
(_!_) symbol for an ass
(_ ! _) symbol for a bigger ass
(_I_) kiss my ass


X-Rated: Description:
//(.)(.)\ Arms and breasts
:) <=8 Guy with a hard on
:^)---'< Guy in bed with erotic fantasy
:-)---< Male with erection or feeling horney
:-(--/< Male with lost erection or feeling impotent
8====> Male Genitalia
0====8 Male Genitalia
_/*/_ Pussy

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