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I'm feeling lucky

Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Knollwood Farm
Posted by: horselover on 2006-11-15 14:51:11

i really do think that you are stupid now. in my 5 years of 
riding only 9 horses have died of natural causes that were 
irreversable. and what are there names? if you don't know  
there names then you don't really care do you. i don't really 
care how long you have been riding. or what kind of riding
you are doing know. all that i am thankful for is that you 
aren't there any more!!! appearently i am a little bit 
tougher than you. i also get yelled at alot. it has made me 
upset but i care about the horses enough to keep comeing back. 
i could never imagen riding for a different barn. they are not
for people that aren't serious about riding!!i have learned so 
much about horses riding and vet. NANCY my instructor is a vet tech.
if you don't know who that is she is the director of the school bar.
one last question why would i still be a helper 3 nights a week?
and every day over the summer? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

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