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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Lawn-mower free zones in your yard.
Posted by: tumultguy on 2000-02-01 22:01:05

I just put this guideline up for a vote. I know it seems like a
strange idea to let your yard go unattended but thats not really
the idea. Our towns and neighborhoods are a mass of grid-like
fenced in little eco-habitats that offer little to the native
bird and animal populations. We cover most of our yards with
closely cropped lawns that offer birds very little
in terms of seed food and forage cover, the plants we import are
usually non-native and aren't conducive to local animals. 
Allowing grasses to grow and birds to "import" 
their own seed stock, which are from plants that actually 
provide food for birds and other animals, makes our communitiy
livable for all creatures. If done smartly, a "no-mow" zone can
be beautiful to look at as well. Imagine if our yards all 
were critter-friendly, rather than the silly self-important
landscaping designs that only serve to seperate us from nature.

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