we all live in this so called fredom world and ovesiouly freedom casuses some prety horibal stuff to happen. Living means( living your live to the fullest extent of your happyness) How manyof us actualy get to do this as adults.
Im just recently getting to gratuate high school this year. And my mother thinks Im crazy.
It all started with thish big bombing in dc we recently had well I told my mom we deserved (we were crusinfor the brusin). Well I dont nesceariley agree for the reason that it happened or how it happened . but as a whole of our country (everyone in the u.s.)we have ben treating the land we live on like its going to be here foreever. Well I have a strong felling im not even going to get the chance to live to be 100. what people need to think about is the world feeds of its self ,it eats every thing we put on it. if that dosent make you cring then acording to me your not normal. now why my ma thinks Im crazy is because Imtrying to chang my reality as soon as possible and as much as I can. My ma says Iv havent even it reality yet. but I hit reality a complety different way then she did. I tell ya what the world was placed inour hands and what did we do. Well we did all right for the first generation then the selling of land started and we got GREEDY the greed is so commen now a days its in each and every one of us I even catch myself being that way at times.
I happen top live in the beautiful state of west virgina,and yes Im one of the few in my school who appreacates the small town we live in. the town that I live in was once conciderd a breedingground forindiand untouched land battles and fitting was once prohibited,because of our warm springs the mountains keep our watter warm all year around,and to the indans it was conciderd healing watters. Alot ofour mountains are made of sand.so yes there are many crystals in these grounds and many natural caves . its horibalthat as i walk towork every morning from school i try ny hardest not to cry . because this town has been a verey small town for years ,but latley it has be being built up.
So what iwas get at to start withis why dont all of us eath caring people put all our hard earned money and buy us the biggest pretiest furtilist piece of ground we can find and start our own coline, I think wonce we get started and succed it mid make people think about what they realy need, we dont need to ues plastic ,and paper siverware ,and dishes like thir going out of style. maybe we could inspire someone maybe the whole world. thats why I had to make this statment some where this might have not been the best place to do it ,but I happen to hate computers , so i dont happento use then offten Im using my local libray 's computer. But umI thank you verey much for reading this and I hope maybe youll think about it.
world peace
only those who care can make it happen!
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