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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > -michael jackson's trial is a travesty by sandstar
Posted by: sandstar on 2005-04-10 12:27:11

I am horrified that Tom Snedden is allowed to use this trumped up charge against Michale Jackson so in reality he could resurrect the 1993 case that he was unable to bring to trial.That there was no jury then and no substantiated evidence for or against to a jury makes that whole incedent past history.Are we to believe any of it to it's full extent when all parties involved,past and present monitarily benifited from Michael Jackson's fortune?And it is a shame to me the Tom Snedden had to take out what amounted to a full page add to even get witnesses for his trumped up case.I am surprised there were no more then a handful of disgruntled employees for his unjust cause.The reality is Michael Jackson has been around thousands and thousands of young people and to say that from the early 90's until 2003 there were no incidents involving qu estionable behavior but in two separate incident a decade apart is absolutely absurd.True pedifiles do not wait decades between victims as is demonstrated with the Catholic Priest trials.And if the 1993 victim was so traumitized he would come forward so others could be protected from the same abuse as in the recent priest's trial where the victim had nothing to gain from his testamony but more pain and humiliation.Where we see people gaining monetarily from an aledged bad act especially against their own children,we have to question motive.If in fact there were any truth in lthese allegations the parents ore more monstrous then the perpatrator.The only truth I see is greedy people taking advantage of an eccentric naive individual who has a need for his own acceptence.Michael jackson needs our sympathy for not having the people who surround him not looking out for his best interests.Instead many will sell him down the river for thier own gains.How appalling

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