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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Mulberry Street Pizzeria review by David Harrison Levi 2005
Posted by: mr5012u on 2004-11-21 20:24:58

Mulberry Street Pizzeria 4 STARS
240 S. Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90212

David Harrison Levi
David Levi Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved ~ Copyright 2005

Around the corner from the William Morris Agency, you'll find Cathy Moriarty-Gentile's pizzeria, the cheapest place to "do lunch" in Beverly Hills. When you arrive -- forget about the salads (unless your special diet guru commands you to chomp on healthy fare only) and go straight for the New York-style pizza, topped with everything from pepperoni and cheese to chicken Parmesan. Wonder what makes these slices awesome? The secret to these succulent pies is the sauce, and it's almost impossible to stop at just one slice. Can't get away from your desk? Not a problem because if you want to order in, Mulberry includes a salad with the free delivery. It's truly bella, here.
Pizza Italian NY



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Cross Street


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Charleyville & Beverly Dr.
or Canon Drive

Richie Palmer, happens to own one of the best pizza chains in California: Richie's Neighborhood Pizza, no less. You must try it. It's traditional New York pizza, which means it comes from the old school of all those old Italian neighbourhoods, which Richie picked up when he was growing up in the Bronx and he picked up their recipes. Bring Your family bring your friends but BRING YOUR APPETITE! The pizza pies are HUGE!!!

David Levi Communications, Inc. All Rights Reserved ~ Copyright 2005

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