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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Murder
Posted by: voiceofdog on 2003-01-21 15:35:25

Humans have projected themselves into the foreground in this world
They have constructed their systems and laws and have in effect
created a world within a world. They have invented the imaginary
term "murder" on the most subjective of grounds, replacing the fact
that killing is killing. They have detached themselves from that
reality and therefore distorted and confused an issue which is
ultimately proving to be their downfall.
Killing something sentient is not an instinct as some vacuous,
macho male would like you to believe, you have to be conditioned
to do it. The public are sheltered from the realities of battlefields,
slaughterhouses and laboratories. They have their senses shielded
from these atrocities and therefore see killing in the public domain
as a singular, detached and evil act. Besides an act of hot-headedness
or a mental abnormality the only way to commit an act of taking the
life of a feeling being, is to be trained and de-sensitised to it.
Starting off on other animals is regularly the pre-cursor to killing
another human. Clearly the public dont believe this due to the
establishment brain-washing thats dished out from birth, "their
only animals" as it goes. But their not an only when it's some
lovable little mutt thats stepped out on to the road oblivious
to the oncoming traffic, causing the natural human reaction of
swerving so much that they cause a 12mile tailback or when it's
little tiddles who dies just short of her 16th birthday. And
likewise their not an only at any other time either. That is of
course unless the mind of killer can be trained to objectify them
afterall when their just nameless faces, the depth of feeling is
removed. To get to the point killing a pig, dog whatever is not
a separate act commited by thoroughly decent types, it's a cold-
blooded act by someone who is not some big leap away from killing
your child. The Jeffrey Dahmers and Fred Wests of this world started
off here, i would imagine all necropheliacs did. The bullying of
another species by some control freak is not detached from the
dominating of a wife or child. The bigotry of someone who claims
"their ONLY animals" is the same as that of a racist or sexist.
It's time ALL sentient beings were elevated to come under the act
of "murder" when their life is deliberately taken. That really would
make us "human" if it fights for life, so shall it have that right!

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