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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Abortion, etc.
Posted by: nbjasmine on 2003-03-20 11:03:31

In a perfect world women would be equal citizens. we would never be raped, never be intimidated, sexually, emotionally or verbally abused. never have our genitals mutilated. We would grow up safely from young girls into confident women having the self respect required to abstain from sexual relationships we dont want. we would be trained to defend ourselves physically against same. we would be able to seek inexpensive birth control without being judged for it. Abortion would be unneccesary. Until then we need the admittedly imperfect methods we have for ensuring womens' quality of life. it makes me sad to be told how much life is worth by "right to lifers" when womens lives mean so little. women are stoned to death in parts of the world for crimes their brothers or fathers commit. A woman needs to be able to choose. No one in this argument is saying "abortion, la de daaaa"

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