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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Juvenile Death Penalty
Posted by: ForensicPanel on 2004-05-06 06:36:02

For those of you that are interested, there is a research effort underway, conducted by a forensic psychiatrist from NYU School of Medicine, that is surveying the public on their views of what actions, intents, and attitudes of an offender constitute a heinous crime. Thirty -nine state in this country allow for the judge of jury to pass harsher sentences on on a criminal if they find the crime is "heinous", "atrocious", or "cruel". The problem however is that there is NO standard definition of these legal terms--leading to unfair sentencing. You are asked to participate in this survey at so that you can be part of implementing a fairer justice system. All responses are kept STRICTLY confidential and your input is greatly needed.

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