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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: My Experience at Knollwood
Posted by: humanswithSatan on 2007-08-21 15:37:36

I certainly hope you ARE Reporting these Satanic Abuses...including to the Media. I'd go to all the newspapers, post in craigslist and everywhere else.

Obviously, human-animals are disgusting and with SATAN and to Satan they will go and all the evil/satanic abuses they do to God's Babies will be done to them.

And They will be Screaming For Ever and Ever and Ever...being boiled alive, baked, cooked, BBQued, made into shoes/clothing all whilst "feeling" it in Hell.

Still Wishing/Praying: Please Dear Lord find a Way to eradicate all these 7billion & counting...disgusting worthless Human-animals. Please!

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