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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: New ozone hole over arctic (POLAR ICE CAPS ARE SHRINKING!!)
Posted by: brent on 2000-06-21 18:15:05

Leading sea-ice geophysicists have released some startling news, 
the Arctic ice cap is disappearing. At the International
Symposium on Sea-Ice and Its Interactions with the Ocean,
Atmosphere and Biosphere, scientists studying the ice caps from
below in submarines and from above with satellites have 
discovered what Eskimos have known for a while now, there has 
been a lot of change. The main reason given is that humans
are polluting the atmosphere with carbon-dioxide and 
chloroflourocarbons that are causing a greenhouse effect.

The big question from the news media: What will happen to 
Santa's home and workshop? ;.)

Welcome to the Endless Summer.

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