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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: PLEASE: Help end the war in Iraq! -not!
Posted by: suelue on 2003-04-02 17:16:19

I really don't understand all of this "anti war" crap. I know
that everyone has their own opinion, but, their are soldiers out
there fighting for your life and the lives of others. And here 
you are teling them to come home. So, lets say that they do come
home. What will happen then. I 'll tell you what, the suffering 
will continue. This whole pro-peace thing is just the opposite, 
it's pro- violence. If we don't do anything to help these people 
who can not help them selves, if we just sit back and watch them
we are doing the worse crime. War is bad, in that you are right. 
But war does good, as well. It's like a medical shot, it's 
painful, and nobody likes it, but it saves you from
further pain. So I guess I would say this to you would you 
rather have one painful medical shot, or a lifetime of disease.


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