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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Putting Trees Before Humans?
Posted by: llm on 2004-06-06 08:55:46

Oh, and by the way, the current administration is responsible for
about 15,000 innocent Iraqi deaths and hundreds of unnecessary US
soldier deaths. Not to mention Abu Ghraib. We basically went in and
committed the same crimes that we,supposedly, went into stop. Although we all
really know we went to war in Iraq to benefit rich Americans (Cheney, read Halliburton, et al.) invested
in the Middle East. So what, you just don't want fetuses to die? How
about the people who are here now? Tell me, at what age do feel it is
OK to kill? Remember the number one rule, Thou shalt not kill. I'm
no biblical scholar, but I'm pretty sure that applies to all people at least,
maybe even all life...who knows.

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