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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Abortion
Posted by: opticangel on 2004-03-11 22:15:27

I do not take your statements offensively at all.I enjoy 
reading and responding to all types of messages.First of all,
abortions should be illegal and banned.
If a (man/woman or teenager)wants to have unprotected sex
with no condom nor birth control,perhaps,they should think twice
about having irresponsible sex.That way a unwanted pregnancy 
would not have occured.Abortion is not a form of birth control
and it is not a way out of a problem.There are so many other 
options other than just abortion.It is not just a man's fault
that a woman gets pregnant.She has a choice to have sex and 
protect herself from pregnancy.A pregnancy is a miracle of life 
and should be respected.It is not a choice in the madder of 
aborting,it should be given life.

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