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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Abortion
Posted by: lilshortnsase on 2004-05-30 22:40:17

How are we going to prevent teens getting pregnant.
By promoting abstinence. I mean If they choose to have sex,
and they get pregnant its their fault. And if the guy says no 
to protection, they should be smart enough to say no. There the
stupid ones if they have sex without protection. Abortion is
murder. It gives teens who choose to have sex an easy way out. 
For them that is.The baby is the one that dies, when its the teens
fault in the first place. And if teen arn't ready for that kind 
of responsibility they shouldn't be having sex. They all know what
could happen, and they have sex anyway. Why should killing a baby
be legal when that person knows exactly what their doing,
and what could happen. Now I hope you understand what i'm saying. God Bless. 

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