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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: George Bush is making America like Nazi Germany
Posted by: kwrules on 2003-03-24 18:22:33

Holy shit you are stupid. Iraq launched SCUD missils at Kuwait just a couple of days ago. Missils with biological warheads attached to them that he claimed he did not have. He claimed he destroyed them. He is a liar.

Who are you going to trust more? Your own government, or some Arab asshole who soaks his own people in bathtubs of acid if they speak out against him. That's right. A man over in Iraq was put in a bathtub full of acid for speaking out against Saddam. Imagine what would happen to you if Bush was like that. You would be tortured for months.

Also, the same people claiming this war is about oil are the same assholes who are driving the gas guzzling SUVs and bitching about the high gas prices. But, so all of you know, hardly any oil at all comes from Iraq. We get most from South America. Right now we are getting barrels of oil at the same price as we have been for the past 4 or 5 years. (give or take a cent maybe) So this proves that the war is not about oil because the gas is not expensive because Iraq shut off its supply. No, it is expensive because gas stations know that they can jack the prices up anytime something in the Middle East happens because the consumers buy into it.

Also, I am ashamed that you are my fellow American. People like you dont belong in this country. You are a pathetic piece of crap that should be shot for treason.

You say: No Blood for Oil. Well, if you are so concerned about there not being blood shed why arent you out protesting the fact that Saddam has murdered thousands and refuses to give up every single weapon. Why dont you care that he is spreading blood in his own country???

Refresh my memory a little bit. What happened on December 7, 1941? Something called Pearl Harbor. Now I know we went to war with Germany but was it Germany who attacked us. No, it was Japan. If people like you lived in 1941 we would fight Japan and then be done. What is the difference now?

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