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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: George Harrison "The Dark Horse" a biography David Harrison Levi
Posted by: DavidHarrisonLevi on 2013-05-22 14:10:49

My philosophy in life, I believe in things like God, peace & love, compassion, caring & kindness towards others less fortunate, an end to cancer in our lifetime, that life is beautiful and worth living, to never give up & your greatest potential can truly be achieved through positive thinking an an optimistic attitude. I believe that all forms of cancer, hunger & homelessness, animal cruelty and war and hate must be eradicated from our daily-lives and for the future, safety & security of all mankind. I am a man of peace and I don't understand jealousy, unfair judgement of others, bitterness, resentfulness, anger or hatred ... I have never asked you to believe in me, I ask you ONLY to consider the "goodness" in the world & stay focused on the positive ... and IF I am the sick one and am doing something wrong ... please comment & help me to better understand YOUR position! ... I love you! Sir David Harrison Levi Starmaker - Goodwill Ambassador Emeritus for World Peace & Breast Cancer Awareness - Author - Philosopher - Humanitarian - Philanthropist - I want to be friends ... please "follow me" on Facebook ... Life is at its weakest point, when there seems to be more doubt than trust in your life, however, life is at its strongest & the greatest lesson's learned, when you learn to trust in God in-spite of the doubts cast upon you by others.

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