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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: Grey whale deaths (decrease in photo plankton)
Posted by: reina on 2000-07-06 10:46:23

I have read about the US Navy's use of sonar in the Earth Island
Institutes Journal. I guess they are blasting the loudest sound
known throughout the oceans on the pretext of searching for
submarines. Last I checked, it is the USA who is using subs to
spy around the globe. As we all know, whales and other marine
mammals use sound to communicate and migrate for food, mating,
etc. Why on earth would the US Navy want screw with this? It
reminds me of when they first set off the A-bomb and the
scientists weren't sure if it would destroy the atmosphere and
kill everyone. I only hope we don't completely kill off all of
our marine life because the Navy had too much money in their
budget and had to find some way to spend it, while not being
smart enough to recognize the global, environmental implications
of their ill-thought, irresponsible actions.

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