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Top > GoodHumans Message boards > Re: Re: It's just plain wrong!
Posted by: tric on 2003-11-15 13:50:12

I have done alot of research myself and you know that most of these pictures were'nt taken by a church they were taken by the
abortionists themselves. And how dare you say that most pro-lifers are undereducated and non-working housewives and men? It looks
to me as if you are a little undereducated yourself when you can't even spell houswives right. On that matter I myself am a houswife,
i am a mother to 2&1/2 sets of twins. I had the choice to have an abortion,
but my mother chose to keep so i owed to my little one's to do the same.
It is moraly and biblicaly wrong. It is the same thing the Nazi's did to the Jew's.
Haven't you ever heard of adoption? And also did you know it is also tax-payers money
that is paying for these abortions to be done? How about that bit to chew on?

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